MicroStrategy ONE

Including MDX Cube Data in Standard Reports

In addition to creating MDX cube reports that report on single MDX cubes, you can include MDX cube data in standard reports so that both the relational project metrics and the MDX cube metrics on the same standard report.

To create an MDX cube report in Developer, you need to have Developer privileges, including the Define MDX Cube Report privilege.

To create an MDX cube report in Web, you need to have Web Professional privileges, including the Web Define MDX Cube Report privilege.

At least one MDX cube must be imported into your MicroStrategy project. Importing MDX cubes is often handled by a MicroStrategy architect. For more information on importing MDX cubes into MicroStrategy, see Importing MDX Cubes.

To include MDX cube data in standard reports, you must map MDX cube columns for each project attribute you plan to include in the reports. For example, if a report includes the project attributes Year, Region, and Category, you must map MDX cube columns to these three attributes. For steps to map MDX cube columns to project attributes, see Mapping MDX Cube Data to Project Attributes.

You must have MultiSource Option privileges. For information on the capabilities available in MicroStrategy with the MultiSource Option, see the Project Design Help.

To include MDX cube data in standard reports

  1. Create a new report by logging in to a project connected to an MDX cube source and:

    In Developer:

    1. Choose File > New > Report.
    2. Choose General > Blank Report > OK.

    In Web:

    1. Click the MicroStrategy icon and choose Create Report.
    2. From Choose datasource, choose Blank Report.
  2. Select the attributes to include on the report. Attributes from the relational project can be added by navigating the folders of the project. You can include attributes that are also mapped to data for the MDX cube that you plan to report on.

    If you include attributes that are not on the MDX cube, an error is shown when trying to run the report that explains the data is not available at the specified level.

  3. Choose the metrics to include on the report:
    • Metrics from the relational project can be added by navigating the folders of the project.
    • To include metrics from MDX cubes:
      • In Developer: From the Object Browser drop-down list, select the Data Explorer for an MDX cube source. The MDX cubes for the MDX cube source are displayed. Navigate to an MDX cube. Within an MDX cube, click the Metrics folder to view the metrics for an MDX cube. You can then drag and drop the MDX cube metrics onto the report.
      • In Web: In the pane on the left, click MDX Objects. MDX cube data sources are displayed. Click the links for the MDX cube sources to navigate to an MDX cube. Within an MDX cube, click the Metrics folder to view the metrics for an MDX cube. You can then drag and drop the MDX cube metrics onto the report.
  4. Include any other additional objects, such as prompts or filters, as required.
  5. Run the report.

Related Topics

Reporting on MDX Cubes

Create an MDX Cube Report