AbstractArchitectTask |
This subclass of AbstractBaseTask
adds functionality for checking a common group of privileges for certain child tasks.
AbstractBaseTask |
Abstract base class for building Task objects.
AbstractDrillTask |
AbstractGridDrillTask |
AbstractResultSetBinaryResultsTask |
AbstractResultSetResultsTask |
AggregatingTaskFactory |
This class implements the TaskFactory interface by
providing both a direct lookup of Task IDs (the Task ID is
associated with a fully qualified class name) as well as chain a set of
other TaskFactory objects.
AnswerPromptsTask |
BaseAuthenticationHelper |
BaseTaskRequestContext |
BinaryXMLAPITask |
CheckLatencyTask |
CheckUserPrivilegesTask |
CloseSessionsTask |
DeleteMessageTask |
DeletePaletteTask |
DIClearDiscoverCache |
Created by yuan on 2/11/18.
DIEditEMMASourceTable |
DocumentBinaryResultsTask |
This Task provides the following functionality: it can retrieve
the results associated with a Report Services document in binary format.
DocumentXMLResultsTask |
This Task provides the following functionality: it can retrieve
the results associated with an executed Report Services document.
EditCubeTask |
GetCubeBinaryResultsTask |
GetDBInstancesTask |
GetFlexSettingsTask |
GetGeoShapesTask |
GetMobileReportsTask |
GetMobileSubscriptionTask |
GetNamedFolderID |
GetPageByTreeTask |
GetProjectsTask |
This Task returns a collection of
projects on a web server.
GetPromptsTask |
This class implements a Task that returns information about a set of Prompts
(questions and answers).
GetReportGraphImageTask |
This task returns information about a report graph: both information about the graph (e.g., its map) and
the actual image.
GetTriggersTask |
GetUserPrivilegeXmlTask |
HandlerTaskUtils |
Utils for tasks that use handlers.
ImportFileTask |
This Task processes the file uploaded from an HTML form and returns the
content of the file to client.
IphoneGraphResultsTask |
IPhoneMobileSubscribeTask |
IPhoneMobileUnsubscribeTask |
LoginTask |
A simple Task that logs a user into
an Intelligence Server.
LogoutTask |
A simple Task that logs a user out of an Intelligence Server
MobileExecuteReportDSTask |
MobileExecuteReportTask |
MobileExecuteRWDSTask |
MobileExecuteRWTask |
MobileGetDevicesTask |
MobileGetInboxMessageTime |
MobileGetPushRegistrationStatusTask |
MobileGraphResultsTask |
MobileLoginTask |
MobilePollStatusTask |
MobilePromptsXmlTask |
MobilePushRegisterTask |
MobilePushUnregisterTask |
MobileRefreshSubscriptionTask |
MobileRWPDFResultsTask |
MobileSavePropertiesTask |
MobileSaveSubscriptionTask |
MobileTaskUtils |
ObjectInfoTask |
This Task returns information
about an object in metadata.
OneTierRequestTask |
This Task provides the following functionality: it can retrieve the
results associated with a Report Services document in binary format.
PollEmmaStatusTask |
PollStatusTask |
RecoverDataDiscoveryErrorsTask |
This Task processes the file uploaded from an HTML form and returns the
content of the file to client.
ReportBinaryResultsTask |
This Task provides the following functionality: it can retrieve the results
associated with a Report in binary format.
ReportGraphDrillTask |
ReportGridDrillTask |
RetrievePreviewImageTask |
This Task downloads the preview image of a report or document
RWDrillTask |
SaveAndPublishCubeTask |
This Task processes the file uploaded from an HTML form and returns the
content of the file to client.
SaveObjectACLTask |
SavePaletteTask |
ServerConnectionTask |
This Task returns whether the Web Server is connected to the specified IServer.
ServersTask |
This Task returns a collection of
Intelligence Servers connected to MicroStrategy Web.
SetCubeMappingTask |
This Task processes the file uploaded from an HTML form and returns the
content of the file to client.
StorePreviewImageTask |
This Task uploads the preview image of a report or document
from its most recent execution.
UpdateThemeTask |
UploadFileTask |
This Task processes the file uploaded from an HTML form and returns the
content of the file to client.
UploadFileTask.UploadFileParseOptions |
UserEntityInfoTask |
This Task returns information
about a user group in metadata, such as its ancestor, members, and top level groups.
UserServicesTask |
This Task returns information
about all top level user groups or users/user groups matching certain name pattern in a system.