Interface RWDetailsFormatter

    • Method Detail

      • setIncludeDocumentDetails

        void setIncludeDocumentDetails​(boolean value)
        If the value is true, then the document level details are retrieved from the I-Server. This flag will enable the retrieval of the following properties in the RWDocumentDetails object 1. ServerName 2. Document Path 3. Modified Time 4. Job Id
        value -
      • setIncludeBasicDetailsForDataSets

        void setIncludeBasicDetailsForDataSets​(boolean value)
        If the value is true, then the basic details for the datasets are retrieved from the I-Server. This flag will enable the retrieval of the following properties in the RWDataSetDetails object 1. ServerName 2. Document Path 3. Modified Time 4. Job Id
        value -
      • setIncludeSQLsforDataSets

        void setIncludeSQLsforDataSets​(boolean value)
        If the value is true, then the SQL details for the datasets are retrieved from the I-Server. This flag will enable the retrieval of the following property in the RWDataSetDetails object 1. SQL
        value -