Package com.microstrategy.web.objects
Interface WebResultSetManipulation
- All Known Subinterfaces:
public interface WebResultSetManipulation
The manipulation interface allows the user to apply a set of manipulations to a report instance. This interface is obtained from, and connected to, aWebResultSetInstance
object.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
Method Summary
All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Modifier and Type Method Description boolean
Returns whether allowing accept partial
Returns the delta XML which would be sent to the Intelligence Server upon calling applyChanges().boolean
This method will return whether the submission of the changes to the report instance so far will cause a new report instance to be created.boolean
Determines whether the changes made to the filter and template of this report will cause a new report instance (and thus, a reexecution of SQL).void
setAcceptPartialResults​(boolean acceptPartialResults)
Sets whether allowing accept partial results.
Method Detail
boolean getAcceptPartialResults()
Returns whether allowing accept partial results. This flag determines whether to allow the Intelligence Server to return partial results to a manipulated report in order to avoid a SQL execution.- Returns:
- The current value of the acceptPartialResults flag.
- See Also:
void setAcceptPartialResults​(boolean acceptPartialResults)
Sets whether allowing accept partial results. This flag determines whether to allow the Intelligence Server to return partial results to a manipulated report in order to avoid a SQL execution.- Parameters:
- The new value for the acceptPartialResults flag.- See Also:
boolean isInstanceModified() throws WebObjectsException
This method will return whether the submission of the changes to the report instance so far will cause a new report instance to be created. Note that this method will NOT cause the actual execution of the changes made to the report instance. This method will also update the manipulation type and validation level properties with more information on the type of change that the operation would cause.- Returns:
- Whether the report instance change submission would cause a new report instance to be created.
- Throws:
- Thrown if the server could not be contacted or another fatal error occurs.
java.lang.String getDeltaXML() throws WebObjectsException
Returns the delta XML which would be sent to the Intelligence Server upon calling applyChanges(). This XML will be derived from the changes made to the template and filters of the owner report instance.- Returns:
- The delta XML string for the current state of the report instance.
- Throws:
- Signals that the delta XML could not be determined.
boolean requiresNewInstance() throws WebObjectsException
Determines whether the changes made to the filter and template of this report will cause a new report instance (and thus, a reexecution of SQL).- Returns:
- True if the changes made will cause a reexecution of SQL, false if they will not cause SQL to be executed.
- Throws:
- Signals an error when contacting the Intelligence Server.