Interface WebFence

  • public interface WebFence
    This interface represents a web fence for users, includes user fencing and workload fencing.
    MicroStrategy Web 10.4
    • Method Detail

      • getFenceName

        java.lang.String getFenceName()
        Return the name of current web fence, actually fence name is unique and can be treated as ID of the fence.
      • getFenceDesc

        java.lang.String getFenceDesc()
        Return the description of current web fence.
      • setFenceDesc

        void setFenceDesc​(java.lang.String fenceDesc)
        set the description of the specific web fence.
      • getFenceType

        int getFenceType()
        Return the type of current web fence, 1 represents this fence is user fence; 2 represents this fence is workload fence.
      • setFenceType

        void setFenceType​(int fenceType)
        set the type of the specific web fence.
      • getFenceUsers

        java.util.List<WebUserEntity> getFenceUsers()
        Retrieves the list of WebUserEntity that is associated with the web fence, actually should be a list WebUser and/or WebUserGroup
      • getFencePrecedence

        int getFencePrecedence()
        Return the precedence of current web fence.
      • setFencePrecedence

        void setFencePrecedence​(int fencePrecedence)
        Set the precedence of specific web fence. The position to put the fence in the fence list, 1-based, if no precedence, or if the given preference is <=1 then it will be added to the end of the list.
      • setPrecedenceModified

        void setPrecedenceModified​(boolean isPrecedenceModified)
        this method will tell if the precedence value has been changed or not.