Class WebGraphAreaExporter

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class WebGraphAreaExporter
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail

      • rootBlockName

        protected java.lang.String rootBlockName
    • Method Detail

      • assignProperties

        protected void assignProperties​(ExporterContext context,
                                        java.lang.Object primaryObject)
                                 throws java.lang.Exception
      • exportInto

        public void exportInto​(ExporterContext context,
                               Block rootBlock,
                               java.lang.Object primaryObject)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: BlockExporter
        Export an object into a supplied Block instance. This is effectively the "lowest" level interface to exporting.
        Specified by:
        exportInto in interface BlockExporter
        context - The ExporterContext object.
        rootBlock - The root Block to export INTO.
        primaryObject - The primary object that we are export.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block instance.
      • exportBlock

        public Block exportBlock​(ExporterContext context,
                                 java.lang.String blockName,
                                 java.lang.Object primaryObject)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: BlockExporter
        Instead of exporting INTO a Block, this method exports a Block. It is up to the caller to determine what is done with it. This method creates a Block and then calls BlockExporter.exportInto(ExporterContext, Block, Object).
        Specified by:
        exportBlock in interface BlockExporter
        context - The ExporterContext object.
        blockName - The name of the root block to create an instance for.
        primaryObject - The primary object that we are export.
        The Block created by the Exporter.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block instance.
      • exportList

        public BlockList exportList​(ExporterContext context,
                                    java.lang.Object primaryObject)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: BlockExporter
        Instead of exporting into a supplied BlockList, this method simply creates a new, empty BlockList and then calls BlockExporter.exportInto(ExporterContext, BlockList, Object). The newly created BlockList is returned.
        Specified by:
        exportList in interface BlockExporter
        context - The ExporterContext object.
        primaryObject - The primary object that we are export.
        The BlockList created by the Exporter.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block instance.
      • exportBlock

        public Block exportBlock​(ExporterContext context,
                                 java.lang.Object primaryObject)
                          throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: BlockExporter
        Instead of exporting INTO a named Bloc, this exports into a Block defined by the Exporter class. This method collects the root block defined by Exporter and calls BlockExporter.exportBlock(ExporterContext, String, Object).
        Specified by:
        exportBlock in interface BlockExporter
        context - The ExporterContext object.
        primaryObject - The primary object that we are export.
        The Block created by the Exporter.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block instance.
      • exportInto

        public void exportInto​(ExporterContext context,
                               BlockList blockList,
                               java.lang.Object primaryObject)
                        throws java.lang.Exception
        Description copied from interface: BlockExporter
        Instead of exporting into a BLOCK, this method exports the generated Block into the supplied LIST.
        Specified by:
        exportInto in interface BlockExporter
        context - The ExporterContext object.
        blockList - The BlockList to export INTO.
        primaryObject - The primary object that we are export.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block instance.
      • assignScalar

        protected void assignScalar​(ExporterContext context,
                                    java.lang.String propName,
                                    java.lang.Object propValue)
                             throws java.lang.Exception
        Assign a scalar value to a Block Property.
        context - The ExporterContext instance.
        propName - The name of the BlockProperty to assign to.
        propValue - The value to assign to the BlockProperty.
        java.lang.Exception - if we are unable to create a Block or assign to a named Block Property.
      • assignBlock

        protected void assignBlock​(ExporterContext context,
                                   java.lang.String propName,
                                   java.lang.Object primaryObject,
                                   java.lang.Class<?> primaryObjectClass)
                            throws java.lang.Exception
        Assign a Block-type value to a Block Property.
        context - The ExporterContext instance.
        propName - The name of the BlockProperty to assign to.
        primaryObject - The primary object that we are exporting to a Block.
        primaryObjectClass - The type of the primary object which is used to select the Exporter.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block or assign to a named Block Property.
      • getBlockProperty

        protected BlockProperty getBlockProperty​(ExporterContext context,
                                                 java.lang.String propName)
        Return a BlockProperty from the current Block.
        context - The ExporterContext object for this export.
        propName - The name of the Block Property to retrieve.
        The BlockProperty instance with the supplied name, or null if no property exists with that name.
      • assignList

        protected void assignList​(ExporterContext context,
                                  java.lang.String propName,
                                  java.lang.Object primaryObject,
                                  java.lang.Class<?> primaryObjectClass)
                           throws java.lang.Exception
        Assign a List-type value to a Block Property.
        context - The ExporterContext object.
        propName - The name of the Block Property to assign to.
        primaryObject - The primary object that contains a list of source objects.
        primaryObjectClass - The type of the primary object.
        java.lang.Exception - If we are unable to create a Block or assign to a named Block Property.