Class TabPropertiesOtherGridTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • TabPropertiesOtherGridTransform

        public TabPropertiesOtherGridTransform()
        Default constructor. Initializes the formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • renderContentsBody

        public void renderContentsBody​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generates the HTML output for the Generic section on this properties tab instance. Calls renderHeadersSection() and renderViewSection().
        Specified by:
        renderContentsBody in class AbstractTabTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML contents to render will be saved.
      • renderAvailableExportModesLabel

        public void renderAvailableExportModesLabel​(MarkupOutput out)
      • renderAvailableExportModes

        public void renderAvailableExportModes​(MarkupOutput out)
      • renderDefaultRunModeLabel

        public void renderDefaultRunModeLabel​(MarkupOutput out)
      • renderDefaultRunMode

        public void renderDefaultRunMode​(MarkupOutput out)
      • initializeCss

        public void initializeCss()
        Initializes the Css Classes to use. For each one of the css classes to use, the prefix indicated on the formal parameter is added to the name of the class to use.
        initializeCss in class AbstractTabTransform
      • initializeJavaScriptAttributes

        public void initializeJavaScriptAttributes()
        For JavaScript, certain properties are required to be added to the HTML tags to generate for its integration with the code generated for the feature to work in DHTML environments. This method assigns values to these attributes, so they can be displayed together with the tags they represent. If a value is set to be null, it won't be included on the HTML tag definition. By default, it includes the definition of values for properties such as styFrame, tyFrame and scriptClassFrame.
        initializeJavaScriptAttributes in class AbstractTabTransform