Class TabGraphOptionsTransform

    • Field Detail

      • gaugeStylePickerName

        public FormalParameter gaugeStylePickerName
        Indicates the name of the system picker (defined in the page-config) that contains the list gauge styles that shall be displayed to the user.

        public static final java.lang.String FP_GAUGE_STYLE_PICKER_NAME
        Constant specifying the name of the gaugeStylePickerName formal parameter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • needleStylePickerName

        public FormalParameter needleStylePickerName
        Indicates the name of the system picker (defined in the page-config) that contains the list needle styles that shall be displayed to the user.

        public static final java.lang.String FP_NEEDLE_STYLE_PICKER_NAME
        Constant specifying the name of the needleStylePickerName formal parameter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • borderStylePickerName

        public FormalParameter borderStylePickerName
        Indicates the name of the system picker (defined in the page-config) that contains the list border styles that shall be displayed to the user.

        public static final java.lang.String FP_BORDER_STYLE_PICKER_NAME
        Constant specifying the name of the borderStylePickerName formal parameter.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Constructor Detail

      • TabGraphOptionsTransform

        public TabGraphOptionsTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • initializeCss

        public void initializeCss()
        Initializes the Css Classes to use. For each one of the css classes to use, the prefix indicated on the formal parameter is added to the name of the class to use.
        initializeCss in class AbstractTabTransform
      • initializeJavaScriptAttributes

        public void initializeJavaScriptAttributes()
        For JavaScript, certain properties are required to be added to the HTML tags to generate for its integration with the code generated for the feature to work in DHTML environments. This method assigns values to these attributes, so they can be displayed together with the tags they represent. If a value is set to be null, it won't be included on the HTML tag definition. By default, it includes the definition of values for properties such as styFrame, tyFrame and scriptClassFrame.
        initializeJavaScriptAttributes in class AbstractTabTransform
      • renderJavascriptLinks

        public void renderJavascriptLinks​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render any JavaScript information required for this tab to work correctly on client side.
        renderJavascriptLinks in class AbstractTabTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML contents to render will be saved.
      • setGaugeStylePicker

        public void setGaugeStylePicker​(ShortcutList picker)

        Register the major types picker. This allows the transform to use a ShortcutList that is not defined inside the pageConfig.

        picker - the major type picker to set.
      • getGaugeStylePicker

        public ShortcutList getGaugeStylePicker()
        Returns the gauge style picker. If a non-null instance have been registered through the setGaugeStylePicker method, it will return that one, otherwise, it will search for a system picker with the name specified in gaugeStylePickerName.
        ShortcutList to use for the gauge style picker.
      • setNeedleStylePicker

        public void setNeedleStylePicker​(ShortcutList picker)

        Register the major types picker. This allows the transform to use a ShortcutList that is not defined inside the pageConfig.

        picker - the major type picker to set.
      • getNeedleStylePicker

        public ShortcutList getNeedleStylePicker()
        Returns the needle style picker. If a non-null instance have been registered through the setNeedleStylePicker method, it will return that one, otherwise, it will search for a system picker with the name specified in needleStylePickerName.
        ShortcutList to use for the needle style picker.
      • setBorderStylePicker

        public void setBorderStylePicker​(ShortcutList picker)

        Register the major types picker. This allows the transform to use a ShortcutList that is not defined inside the pageConfig.

        picker - the major type picker to set.
      • getBorderStylePicker

        public ShortcutList getBorderStylePicker()
        Returns the border style picker. If a non-null instance have been registered through the setBorderStylePicker method, it will return that one, otherwise, it will search for a system picker with the name specified in borderStylePickerName.
        ShortcutList to use for the border style picker.
      • renderDropDownWithLabel

        public void renderDropDownWithLabel​(TableTag tableTag,
                                            java.lang.String label,
                                            ShortcutList picker,
                                            java.lang.String currentValue,
                                            java.lang.String controlName,
                                            java.lang.String cmdId,
                                            java.lang.String cssClass)

        Generates the HTML output for a dropdown with its label. It calls renderDropDown(MarkupOutput, ShortcutList, String, String, String, String) to render the dropdown part.

        tableTag - TableTag instance where the HTML contents gets generated.
        label - The label to put for this drop down.
        picker - The shortcut list which contains the available values for this drop down.
        currentValue - The current value should be selected in this drop down.
        controlName - The name used for this drop down control.
        cmdId - The command id used for this drop down control.
        cssClass - The css class used for this drop down control.
      • renderDropDown

        public void renderDropDown​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   ShortcutList picker,
                                   java.lang.String currentValue,
                                   java.lang.String controlName,
                                   java.lang.String cmdId,
                                   java.lang.String cssClass)

        Generates the HTML output for a dropdown.

        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML contents gets generated.
        picker - The shortcut list which contains the available values for this drop down.
        currentValue - The current value should be selected in this drop down.
        controlName - The name used for this drop down control.
        cmdId - The command id used for this drop down control.
        cssClass - The css class used for this drop down control.
      • renderSliderWithLabel

        public void renderSliderWithLabel​(TableTag tableTag,
                                          java.lang.String label,
                                          int upperLimit,
                                          int lowerLimit,
                                          int currentValue,
                                          java.lang.String slideId,
                                          java.lang.String slideCmdId,
                                          int increment,
                                          int slideStyle)

        Generates the HTML output for a slider with its label. It calls renderSlider(MarkupOutput, int, int, int, String, String, int, int) to generate the HTML output for the slider part.

        tableTag - TableTag instance where the HTML contents gets generated.
        label - The label to put for this slider.
        upperLimit - The upper limit of the slider.
        lowerLimit - The lower limit of the slider.
        currentValue - The current value should be shown on the slider.
        slideId - The id used for slider component.
        slideCmdId - The command id should be used for slider.
      • renderSlider

        public void renderSlider​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 int upperLimit,
                                 int lowerLimit,
                                 int currentValue,
                                 java.lang.String slideId,
                                 java.lang.String slideCmdId,
                                 int increment,
                                 int slideStyle)

        Generates the HTML output for a slider.

        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML contents gets generated.
        upperLimit - The upper limit of the slider.
        lowerLimit - The lower limit of the slider.
        currentValue - The current value should be shown on the slider.
        slideId - The id used for slider component.
        slideCmdId - The command id should be used for slider.
      • getBorderThicknessLowerLimit

        public int getBorderThicknessLowerLimit()
        Returns the lowest value can be set for Border Thickness.
        An integer to indicate the lowest value can be set for Border Thickness.
      • getBorderThicknessUpperLimit

        public int getBorderThicknessUpperLimit()
        Returns the highest value can be set for Border Thickness.
        An integer to indicate the highest value can be set for Border Thickness.
      • getRangeThicknessLowerLimit

        public int getRangeThicknessLowerLimit()
        Returns the lowest value can be set for Range Thickness.
        An integer to indicate the lowest value can be set for Range Thickness.
      • getRangeThicknessUpperLimit

        public int getRangeThicknessUpperLimit()
        Returns the highest value can be set for Range Thickness.
        An integer to indicate the highest value can be set for Range Thickness.
      • getStartAngleLowerLimit

        public int getStartAngleLowerLimit()
        Returns the lowest value can be set for Start Angle.
        An integer to indicate the lowest value can be set for Start Angle.
      • getStartAngleUpperLimit

        public int getStartAngleUpperLimit()
        Returns the highest value can be set for Start Angle.
        An integer to indicate the highest value can be set for Start Angle.
      • getStopAngleLowerLimit

        public int getStopAngleLowerLimit()
        Returns the lowest value can be set for Stop Angle.
        An integer to indicate the lowest value can be set for Stop Angle.
      • getStopAngleUpperLimit

        public int getStopAngleUpperLimit()
        Returns the highest value can be set for Stop Angle.
        An integer to indicate the highest value can be set for Stop Angle.
      • getCurrentGaugeStyleValue

        public java.lang.String getCurrentGaugeStyleValue()
        Returns current value set for Gauge Style. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Gauge Style.
      • getCurrentBorderStyleValue

        public java.lang.String getCurrentBorderStyleValue()
        Returns current value set for Border Style. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Border Style.
      • getCurrentNeedleStyleValue

        public java.lang.String getCurrentNeedleStyleValue()
        Returns current value set for Needle Style. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Needle Style.
      • getCurrentBorderThicknessValue

        public int getCurrentBorderThicknessValue()
        Returns current value set for Border Thickness. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Border Thickness.
      • getCurrentRangeThicknessValue

        public int getCurrentRangeThicknessValue()
        Returns current value set for Range Thickness. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Range Thickness.
      • getCurrentStartAngleValue

        public int getCurrentStartAngleValue()
        Returns current value set for Start Angle. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Start Angle.
      • getCurrentStopAngleValue

        public int getCurrentStopAngleValue()
        Returns current value set for Stop Angle. If current graph is not Gauge Style, a default value will be returned.
        current value set for Stop Angle.