Class LoginXHTMLTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, LayoutTransform, Transform

    public class LoginXHTMLTransform
    extends LoginTransform
    implements LayoutTransform
    This transform renders the login dialog to the user, displaying the different options according to what the Administrator has marked as enabled for users given the IServer and Project selected. It extends the LoginTransform by generating well-formed XHTML, supporting layout-xml, and using external css files for all formatting.
    MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • LoginXHTMLTransform

        public LoginXHTMLTransform()
        Default constructor, initializes formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • renderLoginDialogHeader

        public void renderLoginDialogHeader​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the header for the login dialog box. Overwrites the parent method by generating the output as a series of DIV and SPAN HTML tags instead of contents of a table.
        renderLoginDialogHeader in class LoginTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • renderLoginDialogFooter

        public void renderLoginDialogFooter​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the footer for the login dialog box. Overwrites the parent method by not rendering any information.
        renderLoginDialogFooter in class LoginTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • renderUsherLoginPlaceholder

        public void renderUsherLoginPlaceholder​(MarkupOutput out)
      • renderLoginModeToggle

        public void renderLoginModeToggle​(MarkupOutput out)
      • renderUsherLogin

        public void renderUsherLogin​(MarkupOutput out)
        responsible for rendering the html where the QR code will be loaded by the Javascript
        out -
      • renderLoginDialog

        public void renderLoginDialog​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the actual login dialog. It will present the user the different login options depending on what the Administrator has enabled. Overwrites the parent method by generating the output as a series of DIV, SPAN and other HTML tags instead of contents of a table.
        renderLoginDialog in class LoginTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • renderStandardLoginSection

        public void renderStandardLoginSection​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generates the HTML to present the user with the options for logging into a project with the authentication modes that require entering user name and password, according to what the Administrator enabled. Typically, this will render Standard, Pass-Through and LDAP authentication modes. Overwrites the parent method by generating the output as a series of DIV, SPAN and other HTML tags instead of contents of a table.
        renderStandardLoginSection in class LoginTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • renderTwoStepVerificationCodeOption

        public void renderTwoStepVerificationCodeOption​(WebEvent loginEvent,
                                                        Tag divTag,
                                                        boolean visible)
      • renderUserName

        public void renderUserName​(LoginBean bean,
                                   WebEvent loginEvent,
                                   Tag auxDivTag)
      • renderPassword

        public void renderPassword​(LoginBean bean,
                                   WebEvent loginEvent,
                                   Tag divTag)
      • renderCancelButton

        public void renderCancelButton​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generates the HTML output for displaying a Cancel button to the user for cancelling the login request.
        renderCancelButton in class AbstractAppTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • renderLoginButton

        public void renderLoginButton​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generates the HTML to present the user with the button for submitting a login request.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • renderSAMLAuthenticationLink

        public void renderSAMLAuthenticationLink​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                 WebEvent event)
        Render the link for SAML authentication, used to recover user session
        out - a MarkupOutput instance where to save the HTML to render
        event - a WebEvent instance with the details to be used when creating the link for this authentication mode
      • renderGuestAuthenticationLink

        public void renderGuestAuthenticationLink​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                  WebEvent event)
        Render the link for guest authentication to show to users for log into a project. Overwrites the parent method by generating the information as a FORM with a button with the information for submitting a guest authentication request.
        renderGuestAuthenticationLink in class LoginTransform
        out - a MarkupOutput instance where to save the HTML to render
        event - a WebEvent instance with the details to be used when creating the link for this authentication mode
      • renderWindowsAuthenticationLink

        public void renderWindowsAuthenticationLink​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                    WebEvent event)
        Render the link for Windows (NT) authentication to show to users for log into a project. Overwrites the parent method by generating the information as a FORM with a button with the information for submitting a windows authentication request.
        renderWindowsAuthenticationLink in class LoginTransform
        out - a MarkupOutput instance where to save the HTML to render
        event - a WebEvent instance with the details to be used when creating the link for this authentication mode
      • renderKerberosAuthenticationLink

        public void renderKerberosAuthenticationLink​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                     WebEvent event)
        Render the link for Kerberos authentication to show to users for log into a project.
        out - a MarkupOutput instance where to save the HTML to render
        event - a WebEvent instance with the details to be used when creating the link for this authentication mode
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.2
      • renderFacebookAuthenticationLink

        public void renderFacebookAuthenticationLink​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                     WebEvent event)
      • renderUsherLoginHiddenForm

        public void renderUsherLoginHiddenForm​(MarkupOutput out,
                                               WebEvent event)
        Generate usher login form
        out -
        event -
      • renderNTGuestLoginSection

        public void renderNTGuestLoginSection​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generates the HTML to present the user with the options for logging into a project with NT and/or Guest and/or Kerberos authentication modes, according to what the Administrator enabled. Overwrites the parent method by generating the output as a series of DIV, SPAN and other HTML tags instead of contents of a table.
        renderNTGuestLoginSection in class LoginTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
      • generateAnchor

        protected AnchorTag generateAnchor​(WebEvent event)
        Overwrites the parent method by setting special attributes according to the event provided.
        generateAnchor in class AbstractAppTransform
        event - WebEvent instance with the information from where the anchor will be created
        an AnchorTag instance initialized with the information from the event for enabling the user to submit a request.