Class LoginContinueTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, Transform

    public class LoginContinueTransform
    extends AbstractAppTransform

    Title: LoginContinueTransform. This transform renders a form with a button for allowing the user to continue the login process for the requested Project and IServer. In most cases, the session might had already been established so this transform is mainly used together with another rendering process that could take care of displaying any pending messages to the user before s/he's allowed to continue. An example of the use of this transform is when there are missing licenses on the IServer and the user is alerted some functionality might not be available for the current login.

    MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • LoginContinueTransform

        public LoginContinueTransform()
        Default constructor. Initializes formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • getLoginBean

        public LoginBean getLoginBean()
        Get the LoginBean instance being transformed
        the current LoginBean instance being transformed
      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the textual description of the transform
        the description of the transform
      • renderContinueDialog

        public void renderContinueDialog​(MarkupOutput out,
                                         LoginBean bean)
        Render the login dialog corresponding to this transform. It will allow the user to continue with the login process given the credentials available from a previous request.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the contents to render
        bean - LoginBean instance being transformed
      • getLoginEvent

        protected WebEvent getLoginEvent​(LoginBean bean)
        Generate the WebEvent instance to be used for login.
        bean - LoginBean instance currently being transformed
        a WebEvent instance initialized with the information required for allowing users to login.
      • getLoginEventFormAction

        protected java.lang.String getLoginEventFormAction​(LoginBean bean,
                                                           WebEvent event,
                                                           int eventEnabled)
        For the event to use for login, if the user has enabled to keep the information of the current session available on the URL, then we need to pass these details on the URL (form ACTION attribute) since otherwise users won't be able to bookmark the resulting page after login. We will enable this only when the event to execute after login is the one indicated by eventEnabled.
        bean - LoginBean currently being transformed
        event - WebEvent generated for enabling the user to log in
        eventEnabled - int value indicating for which event we will be generating the form ACTION information. Usually EnumServletEvents.WebEventOpenDesktop
        a String with the information to use for the form ACTION attribute. null if none should be used - and the information shall be included as hidden inputs.
      • getArgumentName

        protected java.lang.String getArgumentName​(WebEvent event,
                                                   int argumentId)
        Get the name of the argument assigned to the WebEvent, based on the indicated id. This method can be overwritten with an event-argumentId mapping in case the original event defined on the application is customized.
        getArgumentName in class AbstractAppTransform
        event - WebEvent from where the argument name will be retrieved
        argumentId - int with the identifier of the argument to search for on the event
        the corresponding name of the event for the specified id. If it is not found, it will return null.