Class InsertMenuBlockTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • InsertMenuBlockTransform

        public InsertMenuBlockTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • addWidgetsToModel

        public void addWidgetsToModel​(BlockList list,
                                      int scope,
                                      boolean insertToPanel)
        Will add a base block with a list of the available widgets
        list - BlockList
        scope - the scope of the widgets that will be added
        insertToPanel - if the widgets list will be generated for widgets on panel stacks
      • addGridWidgetsToModel

        public void addGridWidgetsToModel​(BlockList list,
                                          int viewMode,
                                          boolean includeEmpty)
        Will add a base block with a list of the available widgets
        list - BlockList
        scope - the scope of the widgets that will be added
        insertToPanel - if the widgets list will be generated for widgets on panel stacks
      • addGridWidgetsToModel

        public void addGridWidgetsToModel​(BlockList list,
                                          int viewMode,
                                          boolean includeEmpty,
                                          java.lang.String cmdId)
        Will add a base block with a list of the available widgets
        list - BlockList
        scope - the scope of the widgets that will be added
        insertToPanel - if the widgets list will be generated for widgets on panel stacks
        cmdId - the commandId prefixed to the
      • setSubMenuOptionLayouts

        public void setSubMenuOptionLayouts​(BlockList list)
      • editMenuOptions

        public void editMenuOptions​(BlockList list)