Class InboxListTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, Transform

    public class InboxListTransform
    extends AbstractAppTransform

    Title: InboxListTransform.

    Description: This implements a simple Inbox Transform. It shows all the elements from the history list of the current user.

    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Field Detail


        public static final int LEVEL_WITHOUT_HEADER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LEVEL_WITHOUT_FOOTER
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LEVEL_EXPORT_EXCEL
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values

        public static final int LEVEL_STATUS_WITHOUT_UNREAD
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • cssHeader

        protected java.lang.String cssHeader
      • cssStatus

        protected java.lang.String cssStatus
      • cssHighlight

        protected java.lang.String cssHighlight
      • cssMessage

        protected java.lang.String cssMessage
      • cssReadMessage

        protected java.lang.String cssReadMessage
      • cssChildMessage

        protected java.lang.String cssChildMessage
      • cssChildReadMessage

        protected java.lang.String cssChildReadMessage
      • cssSeparator

        protected java.lang.String cssSeparator
      • imgChild

        public FormalParameter imgChild
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the document's children reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image for this icon, you would need
        to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgCollapse

        public FormalParameter imgCollapse
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display a collapsable object.
        It is used to collapse the contents of the document object when its children reports are displayed.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the collapsable object, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgExpand

        public FormalParameter imgExpand
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display an expandable object.
        It is used to expand the contents of the document object by showing its children reports..
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the expandable object, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgInfo

        public FormalParameter imgInfo
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the info icon.
        It is used to show the details of the report or document objects contained in the history list.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the info icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgGraph

        public FormalParameter imgGraph
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the graph icon.
        It is used to represent graph reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the graph icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgReport

        public FormalParameter imgReport
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the grid icon.
        It is used to represent grid reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the grid icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgDatamart

        public FormalParameter imgDatamart
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the datamart report icon.
        It is used to represent datamart reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to datamart report, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgGridGraph

        public FormalParameter imgGridGraph
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the grid-graph icon.
        It is used to represent grid-graph reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the grid-graph icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgDocument

        public FormalParameter imgDocument
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the document icon.
        It is used to represent document objects.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the document icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgRWDocument

        public FormalParameter imgRWDocument
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the report writing document icon.
        It is used to represent document objects.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the report writing document icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • imgGraphWait

        public FormalParameter imgGraphWait
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the running graph icon.
        This image will appear when the graph report is still running in the I-Server.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the running graphs icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgReportWait

        public FormalParameter imgReportWait
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the running grid icon.
        This image will appear when the grid report is still running in the I-Server.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the running grid icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgDocumentWait

        public FormalParameter imgDocumentWait
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the ruuning document icon.
        This image will appear when the document object is still running in the I-Server.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the document icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgRWDocumentWait

        public FormalParameter imgRWDocumentWait
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the running report writing document icon.
        This image will appear when the document object is still running in the I-Server.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the report writing document icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • imgDatamartWait

        public FormalParameter imgDatamartWait
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the running datamart icon.
        This image will appear when the datamart is still running in the I-Server.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the datamart icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.1
      • imgGraphError

        public FormalParameter imgGraphError
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent errors in a graph report.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the errors in a graph report, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgReportError

        public FormalParameter imgReportError
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent errors in a grid report.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the errors in a grid report, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgDocumentError

        public FormalParameter imgDocumentError
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent errors in a document object.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the errors in a document object, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgRWDocumentError

        public FormalParameter imgRWDocumentError
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent errors in a report writing document object.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the errors in a report writing document object, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • imgDatamartError

        public FormalParameter imgDatamartError
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent errors in a datamart object.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the errors in a datamart object, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.1
      • imgGraphScheduled

        public FormalParameter imgGraphScheduled
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent scheduled graph reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the scheduled graph reports, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgReportScheduled

        public FormalParameter imgReportScheduled
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent scheduled grid reports.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the scheduled grid reports, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgDocumentScheduled

        public FormalParameter imgDocumentScheduled
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent scheduled document objects.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the scheduled document reports, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgRWDocumentScheduled

        public FormalParameter imgRWDocumentScheduled
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent scheduled report writing document objects.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the scheduled report writing document reports, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • imgDatamartScheduled

        public FormalParameter imgDatamartScheduled
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to represent scheduled datamart objects.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the scheduled datamart, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.1
      • imgReportSnapshot

        public FormalParameter imgReportSnapshot
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the snapshot grid icon.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the snapshot grid icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgGraphSnapshot

        public FormalParameter imgGraphSnapshot
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the snapshot graph icon.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the snapshot graph icon, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • levelFlagCache

        protected int levelFlagCache
      • allowReportExecutionOnDetails

        public FormalParameter allowReportExecutionOnDetails
        Specifies whether the user will be able to execute reports from the report details page.
        Allowed values:
        • true
        • false

        For example, if you allow to execute reports from the details page, then you would specify (true).
      • allowDocumentExecutionOnDetails

        public FormalParameter allowDocumentExecutionOnDetails
        Specifies whether the user will be able to execute documents from the document details page.
        Allowed values:
        • true
        • false

        For example, if you allow to execute documents from the details page, then you would specify (true).
      • imgSelect

        public FormalParameter imgSelect
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display options like export or PDF.
        It is used to indicate that certain options are available for the objects contained in the history list.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the options available, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgSortAscending

        public FormalParameter imgSortAscending
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the sort ascending icon.
        It is used to indicate that the history list can be sorted ascending by the current column header.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the sort ascending, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgSortDescending

        public FormalParameter imgSortDescending
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the sort descending icon.
        It is used to indicate that the history list can be sorted descinding by the current column header.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the sort descending, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgActiveSortAscending

        public FormalParameter imgActiveSortAscending
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the active sort ascending icon.
        It is used to indicate that the history list has been sorted ascending by the current column header.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the active sort ascending, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • imgActiveSortDescending

        public FormalParameter imgActiveSortDescending
        Specifies the image file name used by the transform to display the active sort descending icon.
        It is used to indicate that the history list has been sorted descending by the current column header.
        The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
        For example, if you want to specify a different image to display the active sort descending, you would need to copy it to the images folder and then specify its name in this formal parameter.
      • showDeleteForm

        public FormalParameter showDeleteForm
        Specifies whether the transform will show the delete form.
        Allowed values:
        • true
        • false

        For example, if you want to show the delete form, then you would specify (true).
      • deleteTarget

        public FormalParameter deleteTarget
        Specifies the delete target page.
        For example, if you want to go to a specific target page when deleting an object,
        then you would need to specify the name in this formal parameter.
      • maxItemCount

        public FormalParameter maxItemCount
        Specifies the maximum number of objects to be displayed in the history list.
        The default value is -1, which indicates that all the objects will be rendered.
        For example, if you want to show only 5 objects in the history list, you would need to set (5) in this formal parameter.
    • Constructor Detail

      • InboxListTransform

        public InboxListTransform()
        Default constructor. Initialize all formal parameters
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the descriptor to use in the Style Catalog.
        "This implements the transform for an Inbox Bean"
      • initializeTransform

        public void initializeTransform​(Transformable data)
        Description copied from class: AbstractAppTransform

        This method initialize the private and protected fields of the transform, such as width and height. It also invokes the initializeWebComponent, initializeImages and initializeCss methods.

        This method is automatically called from the transform method. Transforms which would like to invoke other methods in this instance directly (for example, to invoke some render methods), need first to call this method to guarantee that the Transform is ready to generate output.
        Specified by:
        initializeTransform in interface AppTransform
        initializeTransform in class AbstractAppTransform
        data - the bean to transform.
      • renderInboxHeaders

        public void renderInboxHeaders​(MarkupOutput out)
        Writers the header of the history list
        out - the output
      • renderNameHeader

        public void renderNameHeader​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     java.lang.String header,
                                     boolean centered,
                                     WebEvent sortEvent)
        Writes a name header:
        out - the output
        header - the header to display
        centered - whether this header is centered or not.
        sortEvent - the sort event.
      • renderStatusHeader

        public void renderStatusHeader​(MarkupOutput out,
                                       java.lang.String header,
                                       boolean centered,
                                       WebEvent sortEvent)
        Writes a status header:
        out - the output
        header - the header to display
        centered - whether this header is centered or not.
        sortEvent - the sort event.
      • renderExecutionTimeHeader

        public void renderExecutionTimeHeader​(MarkupOutput out,
                                              java.lang.String header,
                                              boolean centered,
                                              WebEvent sortEvent)
        Writes a last execution time header:
        out - the output
        header - the header to display
        centered - whether this header is centered or not.
        sortEvent - the sort event.
      • renderHeader

        public void renderHeader​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 java.lang.String header,
                                 boolean centered)
        Writes a single header:
        out - the output
        header - the header to display
        centered - whether this header is centered or not.
      • renderMessages

        public void renderMessages​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders the available user messages
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML contents to render will be saved.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderEmtpyInbox

        public void renderEmtpyInbox​(MarkupOutput out)
        Invoked when there are no messages in the History List to display a "hisotyr list is empty" message
        out - the output
      • renderDocumentMessage

        public void renderDocumentMessage​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          WebDocumentMessage message)
        Renders a document message and if expanded, all the submessages, that is, the messages of its children.
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderRWMessage

        public void renderRWMessage​(MarkupOutput out,
                                    RWMessage message)
        Renders a document message and if expanded, all the submessages, that is, the messages of its children.
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderReportMessage

        public void renderReportMessage​(MarkupOutput out,
                                        WebMessage message)
        Render a report message
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderReportIconInfo

        public void renderReportIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                         WebMessage message)
        Render a report icon
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderDocumentIconInfo

        public void renderDocumentIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                           WebDocumentMessage message)
        Render a document's icon
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderRWIconInfo

        public void renderRWIconInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     RWMessage message)
        Render a document's icon
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderExpandMessageIcon

        protected void renderExpandMessageIcon​(MarkupOutput out,
                                               WebMessage message)
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderNameInfo

        public void renderNameInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebMessage message)
        Render the name (title) of the message
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderStatusInfo

        public void renderStatusInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     WebMessage message)
        Render the status of the message. If status is "read" then it also renders a link to mark as unread.
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderTimeInfo

        public void renderTimeInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                   WebMessage message)
        Renders the last modification time
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderExportInfo

        public void renderExportInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     WebMessage message)
        Render an icon for exporting the report
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderPDFExportInfo

        public void renderPDFExportInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                        WebMessage message)
        Render an icon for exporting to PDF the report
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderDetailsInfo

        public void renderDetailsInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                      WebMessage message)
        Render an icon with a link for job details
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderRemoveInfo

        public void renderRemoveInfo​(MarkupOutput out,
                                     WebMessage message)
        Renders a checkbox so the user can remove the message
        out - the output
        message - the message to display
      • renderInboxFooter

        public void renderInboxFooter​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders a status bar message for the history list table
        out - the output
      • renderHighlighted

        public void renderHighlighted​(MarkupOutput out,
                                      java.lang.String message)
        renders a highlighted (bold) message:
        out - output by this transform
        message - message to display highlighted
      • renderSeparator

        public void renderSeparator​(MarkupOutput out)
        renders a message separator line
        out - output by this transform
      • renderImage

        public void renderImage​(MarkupOutput out,
                                java.lang.String image,
                                WebMessage message,
                                java.lang.String title)
      • renderImage

        public void renderImage​(MarkupOutput out,
                                java.lang.String image,
                                WebMessage message)
        Renders a transform's image
        out - where to write the output of the method.
        image - the image name
      • getExecuteEvent

        protected WebEvent getExecuteEvent​(WebMessage message)
        message - the message to display
        a WebEvent to execute the message (i.e., runReports)
      • getExportEvent

        protected WebEvent getExportEvent​(WebMessage message)
        Returns an initialized WebEvent to go to the Export page for an object. Currently this method handles only report objects.
        message - the WebMessage instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null
      • getPDFExportEvent

        protected WebEvent getPDFExportEvent​(WebMessage message)
        Returns an initialized WebEvent to go to the PDF Export page for an object. Currently this method handles only report objects.
        message - the WebMessage instance which will be exported if the event is called.
        an initialized WebEvent object if the application supports it. Otherwise, will return null
      • getDeleteEvent

        protected WebEvent getDeleteEvent()
        Returns the event used to remove messages from inbox
        EnumInboxBeanEvents.INBOX_EVENT_REMOVE_ALL_MESSAGES WebEvent.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • generateDeleteForm

        protected void generateDeleteForm​(MarkupOutput transOut)
        Generate the delete confirmation form.
      • getSupportedBeanType

        public java.lang.Class getSupportedBeanType()
        Description copied from class: AbstractAppTransform
        Returns the supported bean type. This abstract Transform supports all WebComponents so every sub-class should override this method to return the class of the Bean the Transform is expecting, for example:
         public class CustomReportClass extends AbstractAppTransform {
            public Class getSupportedBeanType() {
                //This Transform is expected to work only with a ReportBean,
                //therefore this method needs to return this class:
                return ReportBean.class;
        Specified by:
        getSupportedBeanType in interface Transform
        getSupportedBeanType in class AbstractAppTransform
        a root class/interface supported by this transform.