Class FormatEditorTabManagerTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, LayoutTransform, Transform

    public class FormatEditorTabManagerTransform
    extends TabManagerTransform
    This transform takes care of rendering FormatTabManagerBean instances, overwritting the original TabManagerTransform implementation by allowing all the available children to render their HTML tab contents, and hiding with css styles and JavaScript all but the one currently selected by the user.
    MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • FormatEditorTabManagerTransform

        public FormatEditorTabManagerTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • isAllMetricsSelected

        protected boolean isAllMetricsSelected()
        Utility method for checking if the All Metrics target has been selected. If the user requests the "Metrics" field to be formatted it will go in as an axis,position location as if it were a regular template unit. The transform does not handle All Metrics like this since it uses other values, so this method maps these two and determines if All Metrics is actually being selected.
        boolean indicating if All Metrics is currently selected by the user as target position for the editor.
      • renderGridZones

        public void renderGridZones​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the drop downs for the grid zone object and zone selector.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML to render will be saved
      • renderPanelStackZones

        public void renderPanelStackZones​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the drop downs for the grid zone object and zone selector.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML to render will be saved
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • initEditor

        protected void initEditor​(Editor editor)
        Initialize the editor with the global settings. Extends the parent method by indicating a special Apply label in case the editor is targetting a grid.
        initEditor in class AbstractEditorTransform
        editor - Editor instance to initialize according to the information to be displayed by this transform
      • renderJavascript

        protected void renderJavascript​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generate the JavaScript code required by this editor manager for the proper behavior on the client. Extends the parent method by adding extra property values needed for handling the current selected target if a grid is selected for formatting.
        renderJavascript in class TabManagerTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the HTML output will be saved.