Class ChangePasswordGeneralTransform

    • Constructor Detail

      • ChangePasswordGeneralTransform

        public ChangePasswordGeneralTransform()
        Default constructor. Initializes formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • getDescription

        public java.lang.String getDescription()
        Returns the textual description of the transform
        the description of the transform
      • renderChangePasswordError

        public void renderChangePasswordError​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the HTML corresponding to this transform for the ChangePasswordBean bean, when its state indicates there was a problem with the information available or provided by the user. By default, called by the transformForRequestInError() method. Since when the bean is in error state, the user can still enter information for having it processed again, this method by default calls renderChangePasswordGeneral().
        Specified by:
        renderChangePasswordError in class AbstractChangePasswordTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the HTML to be shown to the user
      • renderChangePasswordGeneral

        public void renderChangePasswordGeneral​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render the HTML corresponding to this transform for the ChangePasswordBean bean, when its state indicates there is input expected from the user. By default, called by the transformForRequestWaitingForUserInput() method. Generates the dialog interface for the user to be able to change his or her password. It also displays information about where this change will be applied: which server, for which user, etc. If not enough information is available for proceeding with a future change password request, an error message will be displayed indicating which fields are missing.
        Specified by:
        renderChangePasswordGeneral in class AbstractChangePasswordTransform
        out - MarkupOutput instance where to save the HTML to be shown to the user
      • renderSuccessfulMessage

        public void renderSuccessfulMessage​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render a message to indicate the user's password has been changed. By default, it is the localized descriptor corresponding to Your password has been changed.
        out - MarkupOutput where the resulting HTML to render will be saved
      • generateAnchor

        protected AnchorTag generateAnchor​(WebEvent event)
        Overwrites the parent method by assigning a default URL information to the anchor (based on the getDoneURLLink method) when event is not defined.
        generateAnchor in class AbstractAppTransform
        event - WebEvent instance from where to generate the anchor. If not provided, the url information assigned will come from the getDoneURLLink method.
        AnchorTag instance with the anchor to render
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderExitChangePasswordPage

        public void renderExitChangePasswordPage​(MarkupOutput out)
        Render a message indicating the user where s/he is now connected to, if the information is available. Also, a link to take the user to another page, as indicated by the getDoneURLLink() method.
        out - MarkupOutput where the resulting HTML to render will be saved
      • renderMissingFieldsError

        public void renderMissingFieldsError​(MarkupOutput out,
                                             java.lang.String errorField)
        If error was found given missing information, this method displays the corresponding message. It will also display a link for allowing the user to return to a default page, indicated by the getDefaultEvent() method.
        out - MarkupOutput instance where the output HTML will be placed
        errorField - Error field(s) that generated the error
      • getChangePasswordEvent

        protected WebEvent getChangePasswordEvent​(ChangePasswordBean bean)
        Based on the information available on the bean, generate the event that will be used for allowing the user to change the password
        bean - ChangePasswordBean instance currently being transformed
        a WebEvent for the change password action. It will return null if none could be generated.
      • getArgumentName

        protected java.lang.String getArgumentName​(WebEvent event,
                                                   int argumentId)
        Get the name of the argument assigned to the WebEvent, based on the indicated id. This method can be overwritten with an event-argumentId mapping in case the original event defined on the application is customized.
        getArgumentName in class AbstractAppTransform
        event - WebEvent from where the argument name will be retrieved
        argumentId - int with the identifier of the argument to search for on the event
        the corresponding name of the event for the specified id. If it is not found, it will return null.
      • getDefaultEvent

        protected WebEvent getDefaultEvent​(ChangePasswordBean bean)
        Get the WebEvent that will be shown to the user once the password has been changed. Typically, after the password is changed, the user is already logged into a project (except if the Administrator requested Login First), so this event shall take the user to the Start Page of that project.
        bean - ChangePasswordBean instance currently being transformed
        the WebEvent to use for the link to display the user, where s/he will be taken to after the password has been changed. Returns null if the application does not support the event.
      • getDoneURLLink

        protected java.lang.String getDoneURLLink​(ChangePasswordBean bean)
        Determines the URL to use for indicating where to take the user once the password has been changed. By default, if the bean already specifies the target, that's the link to be used. Otherwise, it will use the URL information provided by the Default Event (getDefaultEvent() method call)
        bean - ChangePasswordBean instance currently being transformed
        the URL information to use for the link to show to the user after the password has been changed. Returns a null if it could not be calculated.