Class AbstractRWDataVisualizationTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, RWBeanVisitor, RWBeanVisitor2, Transform
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class AbstractRWDataVisualizationTransform
    extends RWLayoutTransform
    Transform used to render a visualization on the document. Provides methods for obtaining the custom XML or a URL to obtain the report XML.
    The subclasses simply need to implement renderVisualization()
    MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2
    • Field Detail

      • documentXMLStyle

        public FormalParameter documentXMLStyle
        The name of the style to use to generate the custom document XML Allowed values: String value that corresponds to a style on the styleCatalog.
      • documentXMLPageName

        public FormalParameter documentXMLPageName
        The name of the page on the pageConfig that returns the custom document XML.
        Used to generate the URL for the custom document XML. Allowed values: String value that corresponds to a page name on the pageConfig.
      • useAbsoluteURLs

        public FormalParameter useAbsoluteURLs
        Whether to use an absolute path on the CustomURL FlashVar
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractRWDataVisualizationTransform

        public AbstractRWDataVisualizationTransform()
    • Method Detail

      • startIteration

        public void startIteration​(RWBeanVisitor2 visitor,
                                   MarkupOutput out,
                                   java.lang.String key,
                                   boolean definitionOnly)
        Starts iterating the data, by invoking rwi.iterate();
      • renderVisualization

        public abstract void renderVisualization​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders the visualization's content (i.e. the embeded flash oject)
        out - The markup output
      • getCustomDocumentXML

        protected java.lang.String getCustomDocumentXML()
        the document XML specified by the formal parameter "documentXMLStyle"
      • getURLForCustomDocumentXML

        protected java.lang.String getURLForCustomDocumentXML()
        Returns a URL that can be used to obtain the document XML of the current report being transformed.
        a URL that can be used to obtain the document XML of the current report being transformed.
      • getBaseURL

        protected ParameterBuilder getBaseURL​(boolean useAbsoluteURL)
        Returns a ParameterBuilder object that contains a base URL which can be used to access the Web application.
        This object is initialized with the TargetBase, TargetPrefix and contains the session manager state which is used in URLs as argument EnumWebParameters.WebSessionManagerState to restore the session.
        useAbsoluteURL - whether to use an absolute URL
        a ParameterBuilder object that contains a base URL which can be used to access the Web application.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • getTaskURLForCustomDocumentXML

        protected java.lang.String getTaskURLForCustomDocumentXML()
        Returns a URL that can be used to obtain the document XML of the current report being transformed.
        The URL uses the Tasks infrastructure
        a URL that can be used to obtain the document XML of the current report being transformed.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • getTaskBaseURL

        protected ParameterBuilder getTaskBaseURL()
        Returns a ParameterBuilder object that contains a base URL which can be used to invoke a Task on the Tasks infrastructure.
        This object is initialized with the TargetBase, TargetPrefix and contains the session manager state which is used in URLs as argument EnumWebParameters.WebSessionManagerState to restore the session.
        a ParameterBuilder object that contains a base URL which can be used to invoke a Task on the Tasks infrastructure.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0