Class AbstractPromptExpressionTransform

    • Field Detail

      • editMetricQualificationOutputLevel

        public FormalParameter editMetricQualificationOutputLevel
        Specifies whether or not the output level of a metric qualification is editable.
        If this value is set to true, a button to open and edit the output level is shown.
        This flag is used as a boolean value
        Default value is true.
      • inputFromTextFile

        public FormalParameter inputFromTextFile
        Specifies whether or not to display section for uploading prompt answers in text file.
        Not all prompt types and styles support this functionality, so even if this parameter is true, this section might not be available.
        This flag is used as a boolean value.
      • defaultOperatorId

        public FormalParameter defaultOperatorId
        Specifies operator Id to be used as default in expression.
        If this value is set to empty string, then original behavior will be adopted.
        Default value is empty string.
        Possible values are any constant defined in EnumDSSXMLFunction enumeration which is supported by any style of Expression prompts.
      • attrFormTypeInAvailableList

        public FormalParameter attrFormTypeInAvailableList
        Specifies what attribute forms are to be displayed.
        This formal parameter will only three possible values defined in CartExpression interface:
        • CartExpression.DISPLAY_ONLY_ATTR_ID_FORMS indicates only display ID forms and ignore other forms when displaying.
        • CartExpression.DISPLAY_ATTR_NON_ID_FORMS indicates to ignore ID forms and display all other type of forms.
        • CartExpression.DISPLAY_ALL_ATTR_FORMS indicates to display both ID and Non-Id forms (default behavior).
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.1
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractPromptExpressionTransform

        public AbstractPromptExpressionTransform()
        Default no-args constructor, initialize all the formal parameters.
    • Method Detail

      • isBrowserIE6

        protected boolean isBrowserIE6()
        Utility method that checks if the browser is IE 6.0 version or higher.
        boolean true if IE v6.0 or higher.
      • getOutputLevel

        protected int getOutputLevel()
        Returns the output level of the prompt if it is a metric qualification prompt
        Integer representing the output level , from EnumMetricQualOutputLevels
      • getDimtyAsString

        protected java.lang.String getDimtyAsString()
        Returns the dimensionality of a metric qualification as a string.
        String representing the dimensionality of a metric qualification
      • getDimtyAttributesAsString

        protected java.lang.String getDimtyAttributesAsString()
        Returns the dimensionality of a metric qualification as a string.
        String representing the dimensionality of a metric qualification
      • setMetricQualOutputLevelAndDimty

        protected void setMetricQualOutputLevelAndDimty()
        Determines the output level and dimensionality for current prompt being processed.
        It parses WebPrompt instance being transformed and sets transform properties for indicating output level and dimensionality in a formmated text to be used in Metric Level editor. This function is invoked from setExtraArguments() method.
      • isNodeDimtyEmpty

        protected boolean isNodeDimtyEmpty​(WebNode node)
        Indicates whether or not node parameter has dimensionality.
        Dimty node is empty if given node has dimensionality and its size is 0. It is required to have MQ level editing supported and permission for editing Metric Qualification Output level.
        node - The node to check.
        True if the Node has no dimensionality or if it has but it's empty
      • isMQLevelEditingSupported

        protected boolean isMQLevelEditingSupported()
        Indicates whether or not metric qualification level editing is supported or not.
        This returns TRUE if the user preference is set to DHTML and the browser is IE6 or higher version and the report is not a XDA/MDX report.
        true if MQ level editing is enabled or supported.
      • isNodeComplex

        protected boolean isNodeComplex​(WebNode node)
        Indicates whether or not given node is considered as complex.
        An expression is complex if it cannot be created using the Web interface. This is used by ExpressionPrompts transforms to determine if the Answer is Complex.
        isNodeComplex in class AbstractPromptObjectTransform
        node - the root node of the subexpression to check
        True if the Node is complex, that is, it cannot be created using Web.
      • renderPromptHiddenInputs

        public void renderPromptHiddenInputs​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders all hidden inputs of this prompt.
        The inputs are retrieved from the answer event. It invokes overriten method and if user has permissions for editing MQ level, then it invokes renderHiddenInputsForMQEditor() method.
        renderPromptHiddenInputs in class AbstractPromptObjectTransform
        out - the transform output
      • renderHiddenInputsForMQEditor

        public void renderHiddenInputsForMQEditor​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders hidden inputs used in the MQLevel Editor.
        It gets invoked from renderPromptHiddenInputs() if MQ Level editing is supported.
        out - where to write the output of the method.
      • setExtraArguments

        protected void setExtraArguments()
        Sets extra arguments and properties for this prompt.
        It invokes method setMetricQualOutputLevelAndDimty() which sets properties related to MQ level editing. It invokes its parent method as well.
        These arguments will be render later as hidden inputs.
        setExtraArguments in class AbstractPromptObjectTransform
      • renderOutputLevelLabel

        public void renderOutputLevelLabel​(MarkupOutput out)
        Renders label for output level button.
        out - where to write the output of the method.
      • isCart

        protected boolean isCart()
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.2