Class BeanTaskConfig

    • Constructor Detail

      • BeanTaskConfig

        public BeanTaskConfig()
      • BeanTaskConfig

        public BeanTaskConfig​(org.w3c.dom.Node root)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.1
    • Method Detail

      • getRegisterAs

        public java.lang.String getRegisterAs()
        Returns the ID to use for registering this task.
        The ID to use for registering this task.
      • setRegisterAs

        public void setRegisterAs​(java.lang.String registerAs)
      • isAdminTask

        public boolean isAdminTask()
        Returns whether the task is administrative task.
        true if the task is administrative task.
      • setAdminTask

        public void setAdminTask​(boolean value)
      • getBeanTaskClass

        public java.lang.String getBeanTaskClass()
        Returns the fully qualified class name for this task.
        The fully qualified class name for this task.
      • setBeanTaskClass

        public void setBeanTaskClass​(java.lang.String className)
      • getBeanTaskPrivileges

        public java.lang.String getBeanTaskPrivileges()
      • setBeanTaskPrivileges

        public void setBeanTaskPrivileges​(java.lang.String privileges)
      • getEventInfoArray

        public EventInfo[] getEventInfoArray()
        Returns the information about the events.
        An array of EventInfo objects.
      • getBeanInfo

        public BeanInfo getBeanInfo()
        Returns the information about the bean.
        A BeanInfo object.
      • setBeanInfo

        public void setBeanInfo​(BeanInfo beanInfo)
      • getMetadata

        public TaskMetadataImpl getMetadata()
        Returns the TaskMetadataImpl object associated with this task.
        The TaskMetadataImpl object associated with this task.
      • getEventInfo

        public EventInfo getEventInfo​(int index)
      • addEventInfo

        public void addEventInfo​(EventInfo evtInfo)
      • setInitPath

        public void setInitPath​(java.lang.String path)
        This method is used only if a new Element is created programmatically using the conifguration editor.
        path - The path for newly created beantaskconfig
      • setDeleted

        public void setDeleted​(boolean toDelete)
        marks this task as deleted if parameter is true.
      • getDTDFileName

        protected java.lang.String getDTDFileName()
        Description copied from class: AbstractConfigurationElement
        Returns the name of a DTD file that will be added as SystemID to the XML resulting from serializing the contents of this ConfigurationElement into a file; null by default. This method should be extended if the concrete instance of an element has a predefined DTD file associated.
        getDTDFileName in class AbstractConfigurationElement