AbstractShortcut |
This abstract GuiElement implementation serves as base for rendering information
about the different types of ShortcutElement a toolbar might use for displaying its different
options to the user.
AbstractShortcutList |
This abstract GuiElement implementation serves as base for rendering information
about the different types of ShortcutListElement a toolbar might use for displaying its different
options to the user.
ShortcutAnchor |
This class renders a default shortcut as an anchor tag
It uses the following:
ShortcutBean |
This class renders a ShortcutElement that represents
a base bean combined with a transform.
ShortcutButton |
Title: ShortcutButton.
ShortcutButtonLabel |
ShortcutCaption |
Title: ShortcutCaption.
ShortcutColorPickerPane |
Title: ShortcutColorPickerPane.
ShortcutCombo |
Title: ShortcutCombo.
ShortcutDefault |
This class renders a default shortcut, that is when no type has been specified.
ShortcutGridInfo |
This class renders the information about the grid template objects available for a given
ReportBean specified.
ShortcutGridLevels |
This class renders the different grid levels (such as Values, Header, etc) that can be made available given the
ReportBean provided
ShortcutInput |
Title: ShortcutInput.
ShortcutLabel |
ShortcutListPicker |
This class takes care of rendering a picker as part of options as provided on a toolbar or editor
ShortcutListPickerElement |
This class is used to render a picker (combo or list).
ShortcutListStyles |
This class renders a Shortcut that includes the possible styles that can be associated
with a grid report for the formatting of its information.
ShortcutPickerOption |
Title: ShortcutPickerOption.
ShortcutPulldown |
Title: ShortcutPulldown.
ShortcutTextcombo |
Title: ShortcutTextcombo.