Interface MetricQualLevelEditorBean

    • Method Detail

      • setOutputLevel

        void setOutputLevel​(int outputLevel)
        Set the Output Level as a value from the EnumDSSXMLDimtyUnitType enumeration.
        outputLevel - int value to set as output level for this instance.
      • getOutputLevel

        int getOutputLevel()
        the output level for the Metric qualification, values coming from the EnumDSSXMLDimtyUnitType enumeration.
      • setDimtyAttributes

        void setDimtyAttributes​(java.lang.String dimtyAsString)
        Set the list of attributes at which to calculate the output level of the metric qualification
        dimtyAsString - String value defining the list of attributes to calculate the output level.
      • getDimtyAttributes

        CartElements getDimtyAttributes()
        CartElements instance with the list of attributes at which to calculate the output level of the metric qualification
      • setPromptPosition

        void setPromptPosition​(int position)
        Set the prompt position index in the report.
        position - int value with the prompt position in the report
      • getPromptPosition

        int getPromptPosition()
        the prompt position index in the report