Class EventMapList

    • Field Detail

    • Constructor Detail

      • EventMapList

        public EventMapList()
        Class constructor. Initializes a new -empty- instance of the EventMapList class.
      • EventMapList

        public EventMapList​(org.w3c.dom.Node root)
        Class constructor. Initializes a EventMapList instance based on the information included in the XML Node
        root - Node instance representing the shortcut list information.
      • EventMapList

        public EventMapList​(org.w3c.dom.Document doc)
        Class constructor. Initializes a EventMapList instance based on the information included in the DOM Document
        doc - Document instance representing the shortcut list information.
    • Method Detail

      • getEventMap

        public EventMap getEventMap​(int eventId)
        Retrieve a EventMap by the eventId it maps. If there are several maps for the given id, it returns the first on the list.
        eventId - The id of the event to map.
        the EventMap associated with the given event Id