Class XMLTokener

  • public class XMLTokener
    extends JSONTokener
    This class was a duplicate of org.json.XMLTokener(file version 2010-12-24). Since 11.3.1 it has become a wrapper of org.json.XML(org.json version 20180130). While it still keeps the old version's method signatures and documentations, some behaviours may have been changed. The XMLTokener extends the JSONTokener to provide additional methods for the parsing of XML texts.
    • Field Detail

      • entity

        public static final java.util.HashMap entity
        The table of entity values. It initially contains Character values for amp, apos, gt, lt, quot.
    • Constructor Detail

      • XMLTokener

        public XMLTokener​(java.lang.String s)
        Construct an XMLTokener from a string.
        s - A source string.
    • Method Detail

      • nextCDATA

        public java.lang.String nextCDATA()
                                   throws JSONException
        Get the text in the CDATA block.
        The string up to the ]]>.
        JSONException - If the ]]> is not found.
      • nextContent

        public java.lang.Object nextContent()
                                     throws JSONException
        Get the next XML outer token, trimming whitespace. There are two kinds of tokens: the '<' character which begins a markup tag, and the content text between markup tags.
        A string, or a '<' Character, or null if there is no more source text.
      • nextEntity

        public java.lang.Object nextEntity​(char ampersand)
                                    throws JSONException
        Return the next entity. These entities are translated to Characters: & ' > < ".
        ampersand - An ampersand character.
        A Character or an entity String if the entity is not recognized.
        JSONException - If missing ';' in XML entity.
      • nextMeta

        public java.lang.Object nextMeta()
                                  throws JSONException
        Returns the next XML meta token. This is used for skipping over and structures.
        Syntax characters (< > / = ! ?) are returned as Character, and strings and names are returned as Boolean. We don't care what the values actually are.
        JSONException - If a string is not properly closed or if the XML is badly structured.
      • nextToken

        public java.lang.Object nextToken()
                                   throws JSONException
        Get the next XML Token. These tokens are found inside of angle brackets. It may be one of these characters: / > = ! ? or it may be a string wrapped in single quotes or double quotes, or it may be a name.
        a String or a Character.
        JSONException - If the XML is not well formed.
      • skipPast

        public boolean skipPast​(java.lang.String to)
                         throws JSONException
        Skip characters until past the requested string. If it is not found, we are left at the end of the source with a result of false.
        to - A string to skip past.