MicroStrategy ONE

Default Sort Behavior for Attribute Elements in Reports

The Default Sort Behavior for Attribute Elements in Reports VLDB property determines whether the sort order of attribute elements on reports considers special sort order formatting defined for attributes:

  • Sort attribute elements based on the attribute ID form for each attribute (default): Reports automatically use the attribute ID form to sort the results of a report. This is the default behavior seen prior to defining any sorting options for the report. If you define a report to use the default advanced sorting for an attribute, any sorting defined for the attribute forms of the attribute are then applied to the report. For information on advanced sorting for reports, see the Advanced Reporting Help.
  • Sort attribute elements based on the defined 'Report Sort' setting of all attribute forms for each attribute: Reports automatically use any sorting defined for the attribute forms of the attribute. In this scenario, no advanced sorting needs to be defined for a report to consider any attribute form sorting defined for the attributes on the report.

    An example of where this option can be helpful is when an attribute has an attribute form that is used solely for sorting the elements of an attribute on a report. An attribute form like this can be required if the ID values do not represent the order in which the attribute elements should be displayed by default on the report, and the specifics of the sort order are not relevant and therefore should not be displayed to report analysts. This sort order column can be added to the attribute, defined with a specific sort order for the attribute, and also defined to not be included as an available report form. By defining the attribute form in this way and selecting this VLDB property option, the attribute form is not displayed on reports, but it is still used to automatically sort the values of the report without having to define any advanced sorting for the report.

Levels at Which You Can Set This

Database instance only