Interface IDSSXMLObjectServer

  • public interface IDSSXMLObjectServer
    Provides the interface for an application to retrieve objects by object ID or search criteria.
    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void ApplyRuntimeSettings​(java.lang.String sessionID)
      This method will cause the Intelligence Server to reload it's ServerDef object from the metadata.
      java.lang.String CertifyObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, int certify, int resultFlag)
      This method handles the certify and decertify of the object(only support document and report now).
      java.lang.String ChangeFeatureStatus​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String deltaXML)
      This method is used to change the status of features
      java.lang.String ChangeJournalCommon​(java.lang.String sessionID, int type, java.lang.String extParams)
      This method purge/enable/disable change journal.
      java.lang.String ChangeJournalSearch​(java.lang.String sessionID, int maxEntries, java.lang.String searchContentXML)
      This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.
      java.lang.String ChangeObjectID​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectId, int type, java.lang.String newId)
      This method changes DSS ID of the given object.
      java.lang.String CopyObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, int flags, java.lang.String newName, java.lang.String folderDID)
      This method is used to create a copy of an existing object in the metadata.
      java.lang.String CreateFolder​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String folderName, java.lang.String parentFolderID, java.lang.String folderDesc)
      This method creates an empty folder in metadata.
      java.lang.String createLocale​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectName, int localeID, int localeFlag, java.lang.String folderID, int objectFlag)
      This manipulation allows the caller to create a locale object.
      void DeleteLinkItems​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String requestXML)
      This method is used to delete link items on the Intelligence Server.
      void DeleteObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType)
      This method deletes an object.
      void DeletePalette​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String paletteID)
      This method deletes an object.
      void ExecuteBulkSave​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectXML)
      This method is used to submit bulk save.
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount)
      Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int propertyFlags)
      Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int propertyFlags, java.lang.String extParams)
      Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int propertyFlags, java.lang.String extParams, boolean isLeanObject)
      Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int propertyFlags, java.lang.String extParams)  
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int propertyFlags, java.lang.String extParams, boolean isLeanObject)  
      java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, java.lang.String objectID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int propertyFlags, java.lang.String extParams, boolean isLeanObject, boolean needThumbnail)  
      java.lang.String FindObjectByPath​(java.lang.String sessionID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, java.lang.String fullPath)
      Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.
      java.lang.String FindObjectByPath​(java.lang.String sessionID, int type, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount, java.lang.String fullPath, int searchFlags)
      Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.
      java.lang.String FindUserObjects​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.util.List<java.lang.String> userIds, int flags)
      Retrieves the representation of a list of user object in XML.
      java.lang.String getAllPalettes​(java.lang.String sessionId)
      Get all palettes (including system and custom)
      java.lang.String getAndSetExternalDatasourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID, int flags, java.lang.String dbrid, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> tokenInfo)
      Retrieve external datasource information after setting new token
      java.lang.String getAndSetExternalSourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID, int flags, java.lang.String sourceID, int sourceType, java.lang.String u, java.lang.String localeDateNumber, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> tokenInfo)
      Retrieve external source information after setting new token
      java.lang.String GetChangeJournalSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchID, IntWrapper status, int blockBegin, int blockCount)
      This method retrieves the results of a change journal search.
      java.lang.String GetConfiguredDSNs​(java.lang.String sessionID)
      Returns XML containing a list of Data Source Names configured on the I-Server machine.
      java.lang.String GetCubeSecurityFilters​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String userID, java.lang.String cubeID)
      This method get the cube's security filters. if only provide cubeId, the method will return cube's all security filters for provided cube. if provide cubeId and userId, the method will return an cube's security filter for provided cube related to provided user.
      java.lang.String GetDependencies​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, int objectSubType, int detailFlag)
      This method retrieves the results of dependency search.
      java.lang.String GetDimensionAttributeLock​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String dimensionID)
      Returns XML containing the System Dimension Attributes that have lock properties specified
      java.lang.String getExternalSourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID, int flags, java.lang.String sourceID, int sourceType)
      Retrieve external source information
      java.lang.String GetFeatureInfos​(java.lang.String sessionID)
      This method retrieves the information of all features.
      java.lang.String GetFilterExpression​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String commandXML)
      Returns the filter expression that the given filter expression resolves into.
      java.lang.String GetFlexProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID)  
      java.lang.String GetFolderID​(java.lang.String sessionID, int folderName)
      This method returns the ID of a special folder.
      java.lang.String GetFolderID​(java.lang.String sessionID, int folderName, int requestTimeout)
      This method returns the ID of a special folder with specified request timeout.
      java.lang.String GetFolderID​(java.lang.String sessionID, int folderName, int requestTimeout, boolean attemptFailover)  
      java.lang.String GetLinkItems​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String requestXML, int blockBegin, int blockCount, int flags)
      This method is used to retrieve link items from the Intelligence Server.
      java.lang.String GetProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String requestXML, int flags)
      Gets a property set from the server.
      java.lang.String GetPublishInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID)
      This method will provide the publish information for an object, if unpublished an empty response xml will be returned
      java.lang.String GetQuickSearchStatus​(java.lang.String sessionID, int qscmd)
      Returns XML containing quick search status.
      java.lang.String getRoot​(java.lang.String sessionID, int flags, int level, int blockBegin, int blockCount)
      This method retrieves the root of an object hierarchy.
      java.lang.String GetRootExpression​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String metricID)
      Returns the root expression of the specified metric.
      java.lang.String GetSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchID, int objectFlags, boolean treeInfo, int blockBegin, int blockCount, StringWrapper searchObject, IntWrapper status)
      This method retrieves the results of a search.
      java.lang.String GetSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchID, int objectFlags, boolean treeInfo, int blockBegin, int blockCount, StringWrapper searchObject, IntWrapper status, int searchType)
      Add a new parameter 'searchType' to send as a flag to backend to stop putting 'folder' objects at top of search results.
      java.lang.String GetSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchID, int objectFlags, int blockBegin, int blockCount, StringWrapper searchObject, IntWrapper status)
      This method retrieves the results of a search.
      java.lang.String GetSearchSuggestions​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchKey, int blockCount, int localeId)
      Returns XML containing a list of search suggestions based on the search key provided.
      java.lang.String GetServerDef​(java.lang.String sessionID)  
      java.lang.String GetServerDef​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.Boolean defaultFlag)
      This method returns the ServerDef which is currently being used by a running server.
      java.lang.String GetServerDefID​(java.lang.String sessionID)
      This method returns the DSSID of the ServerDef which is currently being used by a running server.
      java.lang.String GetSourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID, int type, java.lang.String deltaXML)
      This method is used to get source info.
      byte[] GetSourceManipulatorDelta​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String manipulationXML)
      Invoke the source manipulator to return a metadata delta package.
      java.lang.String GetSystemFunctions​(java.lang.String sessionID, int flags)
      This method retrieves the list of System functions.
      java.lang.String GetSystemLinkID​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String projectID, int systemLink)
      This method returns the DSSID of the Link specified by the project and link type.
      java.lang.String GetTransactionReportXML​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String transactionReportID)
      Returns the XML contains the inputMapping for the transactionReport
      java.lang.String GetUserDICubeInfo​(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String[] ids, int option)  
      java.lang.String GetUserLibrary​(java.lang.String confSessionID)
      java.lang.String GetUserLibrary​(java.lang.String confSessionID, java.util.List<EnumDSSXMLLibraryOutputFlag> outputFlags)
      IDSSXMLObjectServer.StringFormatAndErrorData GetUserLibraryEx​(java.lang.String confSessionID, java.util.List<EnumDSSXMLLibraryOutputFlag> outputFlags)
      This method retrieves the results of all dossiers belonged to specified user.
      IDSSXMLObjectServer.StringFormatAndErrorData GetUserLibraryEx​(java.lang.String confSessionID, java.util.List<EnumDSSXMLLibraryOutputFlag> outputFlags, java.lang.String applicationId)
      This method retrieves the results of all dossiers belonged to specified user in a specific custom application.
      java.lang.String GetVLDBInheritedValuesAsJSON​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, java.lang.String messageID, java.lang.String propertySetID, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> propertyIDs)
      This method is used for getting the inherited value of VLDB property.
      java.lang.String InvokeSourceManipulator​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String manipulationXML)
      Invoke the source manipulator to perform project merge or metadata deltas in a bulk operation.
      boolean IsFeatureEnabled​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String featureName)
      This method retrieves whether the specified feature is enabled.
      boolean isFeatureFlagExisted​(java.lang.String sessioinID, java.lang.String featureID)
      This method checks the existence of specific feature flag, to see if this is set in FeatureFlags.PDS or not.
      java.lang.String listTranslations​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String listXml)
      This manipulation allows user to list any translations at any locales for any keys for multiple objects and their embedded objects.
      java.lang.String manipulateLocaleLinkedToInterfaceLanguage​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectName, int localeID, java.lang.String interfaceLanguageId, int localeFlag, java.lang.String folderID, int objectFlag)
      This manipulation allows the caller to create a locale object linked to interface language.
      java.lang.String ManipulateUserAnswer​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String commandXML)
      This method loads, edits and saves user prompt answers.
      java.lang.String ManipulateUserAnswer​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String commandXML, int flag)
      This method loads, edits and saves user prompt answers.
      java.lang.String MoveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, int flags, java.lang.String newName, java.lang.String folderDID)
      This method is used to move an existing object in the metadata.
      java.lang.String MoveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, int flags, java.lang.String newName, java.lang.String folderDID, boolean solveNameConflict)
      This method is used to move an existing object in the metadata.
      java.lang.String ObjectLock​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String command)
      This method locks, unlocks and queries object locks in the metadata.
      java.lang.String ParseMetric​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String metricID, java.lang.String mtXML, java.lang.String tokenStreamXML, java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML, int parserActionFlags, int parserOutFlags, java.lang.String folderID)
      This method is used to parse a metric.
      java.lang.String ParseMetric​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, java.lang.String metricID, java.lang.String mtXML, java.lang.String tokenStreamXML, java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML, int parserActionFlags, int parserOutFlags, java.lang.String folderID)
      This method is used to parse a metric.
      java.lang.String ParseMetricAndAttribute​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, java.lang.String mtXML, java.lang.String tokenStreamXML, java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML, int parserActionFlags, int parserOutFlags, java.lang.String folderID, java.lang.String formId)
      This method is used to parse a metric, derived metric or derived attribute.
      java.lang.String ParseModel​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int targetType, java.util.OptionalInt dssType, java.lang.String tokenStreamXML, java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML, java.lang.String availableObjectsXML, int parserActionFlags, int parserOutFlags)
      This method is used to parse a model except metric and attributes, including fact, filter and any other objects.
      java.lang.String ParseModel​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, java.util.OptionalInt dssType, java.lang.String tokenStreamXML, java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML, java.lang.String availableObjectsXML, int parserActionFlags, int parserOutFlags, java.lang.String messageId)
      This method is used to parse a model except metric and attributes, including fact, filter and any other objects.
      java.lang.String PropagateToChildren​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String id, int objFlags)  
      java.lang.String PublishInstance​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag, java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds)
      The publish instance method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of an objects instance when published the personal view will contain manipulationsin the definition of the instance.
      java.lang.String PublishObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag, java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> userOrGroupOperations)
      The publish object method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of an object in the metadata.
      java.lang.String PublishObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag, java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> userOrGroupOperations, java.lang.Integer objectType)
      The publish object method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of an object in the metadata.
      java.lang.String PublishObjects​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.util.List<java.lang.String> docIds, java.util.List<java.lang.String> reportIds, EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag, java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds, java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> userOrGroupOperation)
      The publish object method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of a collection of document and report objects in the metadata.
      void PurgeSearch​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchID)
      If there are too many searches in a session, it is desirable to purge the searches the session is holding.
      java.lang.String PushNotification​(java.lang.String sessionID, PushNotification pushNotification)
      Send Notification
      java.lang.String SaveAsObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectName, int objectType, java.lang.String folderID, java.lang.String objectXML, int flags, int xmlFlags)
      This method is used to create a new object in the metadata.
      void SaveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, java.lang.String objectXML, int flags)
      This method is used to save changes to an existing object in the metadata.
      void SaveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, java.lang.String objectXML, int flags, byte[] walletInfo, java.util.List<byte[]> walletBinaries)
      This method is used to save changes to existing object in metadata with wallet attached.
      void SaveSearchEngineProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String autoStartQuickSearch, java.lang.String indexLocation, java.lang.String stopwordsXML)
      This method is used to save SearchEngineProperties
      java.lang.String Search​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchObjectXML)
      java.lang.String Search​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchObjectXML, boolean useQuickSearch, int searchType, java.lang.String searchFields)
      This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.
      java.lang.String Search​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String searchObjectXML, boolean useQuickSearch, int searchType, java.lang.String searchFields, int firstObjectIndex)
      This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.
      java.lang.String SearchIndexCommon​(java.lang.String sessionID, int quickSearchCommand, java.lang.String projeceID, java.lang.String enabled)
      This method is a common method to start/stop SearchEngine,get its properties, start/pause/destroy crawl and so on
      java.lang.String SendEmail​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds, int notificationType, java.lang.String emailSubject, java.lang.String emailBody, java.lang.String emailHeader, java.lang.String emailFooter, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> extraProperties, boolean emailIsHTML)
      Send email
      void SetLinkItems​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String requestXML)
      This method is used to set link items on the Intelligence Server.
      void SetProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String requestXML, int flags)
      This method allows for the manipulation of property sets.
      java.lang.String ShareObject​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String messageID, EnumDSSXMLObjectShareActions shareFlag, EnumDSSXMLObjectSharedToUsersFlags sharedToUsersFlag, java.lang.String[] userOrGroupIds)
      This method handles the Share, re-share and unshare workflow
      java.lang.String SynchronousQuickSearch​(SynchronousQuickSearch synchronousQuickSearch)  
      java.lang.String SynchronousQuickSearch​(java.lang.String sessionID, int quickSearchCmd, java.lang.String namePattern, int startObject, int count, int searchType, java.lang.String descriptionPattern, int recursive, int includeManagedObjec, int resolveShortcut, java.lang.String searchFolders, java.lang.String ownerIds, java.lang.String types, java.lang.String beginCreateTime, java.lang.String endCreateTime, java.lang.String beginModifyTime, java.lang.String endModifyTime, int outputType)
      This method retrieves the results of a Synchronous Quick Search
      IDSSXMLObjectServer.StringFormatAndErrorData SynchronousQuickSearchEx​(SynchronousQuickSearch iSynchronousQuickSearch)  
      java.lang.String UpdateCubeSecurityFilters​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String cubeID, java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> cubeSecurityFilters)
      This method is for partially updating cube's security filters.
      void UpdateTheme​(java.lang.String sessionId, java.lang.String themeID, java.lang.String defaultPaletteID, java.lang.String[] paletteIDs, int flag)
      Update theme info - add/remove palettes to/from theme; set default palette
      java.lang.String updateTranslations​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, int objectType, java.lang.String updateXml)
      This manipulation allows user to add, update, and delete any translations at any locale for one object.
      java.lang.String UploadWallet​(java.lang.String sessionID, java.lang.String objectID, java.lang.String objectType, java.lang.String walletName, int executionFlags, int resultFlags, java.util.List<byte[]> walletBinaries)
      Uploads the wallet binary to IServer through the socket and retrieves services list derived from wallet.
    • Field Detail

      • DEFAULT_FindObject_type

        static final int DEFAULT_FindObject_type
        Default value for the type parameter of the FindObject method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_FindObject_flags

        static final int DEFAULT_FindObject_flags
        Default value for the flags parameter of the FindObject method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_FindObject_level

        static final int DEFAULT_FindObject_level
        Default value for the level parameter of the FindObject method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_FindObject_blockBegin

        static final int DEFAULT_FindObject_blockBegin
        Default value for the blockBegin parameter of the FindObject method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_FindObject_blockCount

        static final int DEFAULT_FindObject_blockCount
        Default value for the blockCount parameter of the FindObject method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_GetSearchResults_objectFlags

        static final int DEFAULT_GetSearchResults_objectFlags
        Default value for the objectFlags parameter of the GetSearchResults method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_GetSearchResults_blockBegin

        static final int DEFAULT_GetSearchResults_blockBegin
        Default value for the blockBegin parameter of the GetSearchResults method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_GetSearchResults_blockCount

        static final int DEFAULT_GetSearchResults_blockCount
        Default value for the blockCount parameter of the GetSearchResults method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_getRoot_flags

        static final int DEFAULT_getRoot_flags
        Default value for the flags parameter of the getRoot method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_getRoot_level

        static final int DEFAULT_getRoot_level
        Default value for the level parameter of the getRoot method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_getRoot_blockBegin

        static final int DEFAULT_getRoot_blockBegin
        Default value for the blockBegin parameter of the getRoot method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • DEFAULT_getRoot_blockCount

        static final int DEFAULT_getRoot_blockCount
        Default value for the blockCount parameter of the getRoot method
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • CreateFolder

        java.lang.String CreateFolder​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String folderName,
                                      java.lang.String parentFolderID,
                                      java.lang.String folderDesc)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method creates an empty folder in metadata.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        folderName - The name of the new folder.
        parentFolderID - The object ID of the parent folder.
        folderDesc - Description for the folder.
        The ID of the newly created folder.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • DeleteObject

        void DeleteObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                          java.lang.String objectID,
                          int objectType)
                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method deletes an object.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectID - The object ID of the object to delete.
        objectType - The type of the object, from EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. Note that even though the ObjectID uniquely identifies the object, we still need its type to perform this operation.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • DeletePalette

        void DeletePalette​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                           java.lang.String paletteID)
                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method deletes an object.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        paletteID - The palette ID of the object to delete.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.

        If the type is DssXMLTypeFolder, level, which is not implemented yet, specifies the maximum level of children of the folder to be brought back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder, and -1 means all levels. By default, the objectType is folder.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockbegin and blockCount will define the subset of the children objects to be returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        objectID - ID of the object.
        type - Object type listed in the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. [Default=DssXmlTypeFolder]
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        level - The number of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1] (Note: not implemented yet)
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=1]
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1]
        The XML of the requested object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String messageID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount,
                                    int propertyFlags,
                                    java.lang.String extParams)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount,
                                    int propertyFlags)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.

        If the type is DssXMLTypeFolder, level, which is not implemented yet, specifies the maximum level of children of the folder to be brought back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder, and -1 means all levels. By default, the objectType is folder.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockbegin and blockCount will define the subset of the children objects to be returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        objectID - ID of the object.
        type - Object type listed in the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. [Default=DssXmlTypeFolder]
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        level - The number of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1] (Note: not implemented yet)
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=1]
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1]
        propertyFlags - binary OR of EnumDSSXMLPropertyXmlFlags
        The XML of the requested object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount,
                                    int propertyFlags,
                                    java.lang.String extParams)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.

        If the type is DssXMLTypeFolder, level, which is not implemented yet, specifies the maximum level of children of the folder to be brought back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder, and -1 means all levels. By default, the objectType is folder.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockbegin and blockCount will define the subset of the children objects to be returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        objectID - ID of the object.
        type - Object type listed in the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. [Default=DssXmlTypeFolder]
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        level - The number of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1] (Note: not implemented yet)
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=1]
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1]
        propertyFlags - binary OR of EnumDSSXMLPropertyXmlFlags
        extParam - extendable parameter
        The XML of the requested object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount,
                                    int propertyFlags,
                                    java.lang.String extParams,
                                    boolean isLeanObject)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.

        If the type is DssXMLTypeFolder, level, which is not implemented yet, specifies the maximum level of children of the folder to be brought back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder, and -1 means all levels. By default, the objectType is folder.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockbegin and blockCount will define the subset of the children objects to be returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        objectID - ID of the object.
        type - Object type listed in the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. [Default=DssXmlTypeFolder]
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        level - The number of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1] (Note: not implemented yet)
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=1]
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1]
        propertyFlags - binary OR of EnumDSSXMLPropertyXmlFlags
        extParam - extendable parameter
        isLeanObject - indicate web needs the lean XML, this is true when getting Device and Transmitter object
        The XML of the requested object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String messageID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount,
                                    int propertyFlags,
                                    java.lang.String extParams,
                                    boolean isLeanObject)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
      • FindObject

        java.lang.String FindObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String messageID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int type,
                                    int flags,
                                    int level,
                                    int blockBegin,
                                    int blockCount,
                                    int propertyFlags,
                                    java.lang.String extParams,
                                    boolean isLeanObject,
                                    boolean needThumbnail)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
      • FindUserObjects

        java.lang.String FindUserObjects​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                         java.util.List<java.lang.String> userIds,
                                         int flags)
                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of a list of user object in XML.

        This method is to fetch user object only and will not return the object which type is not user. The user object will not be returned if the id is not existing in the metadata and there will not be any error.

        Each user object in the list contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        userIds - ID list of the user.
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        The XML of the requested user object list.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • FindObjectByPath

        java.lang.String FindObjectByPath​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          int type,
                                          int flags,
                                          int level,
                                          int blockBegin,
                                          int blockCount,
                                          java.lang.String fullPath)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.

        If the type is DssXMLTypeFolder, level, which is not implemented yet, specifies the maximum level of children of the folder to be brought back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder, and -1 means all levels. By default, the objectType is folder.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockbegin and blockCount will define the subset of the children objects to be returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        type - Object type listed in the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. [Default=DssXmlTypeFolder]
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        level - The number of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1] (Note: not implemented yet)
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=1]
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1]
        fullPath - String of full path of the target object. If the object is shortcut, it includes the target name of the shortcut.
        The XML of the requested object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • FindObjectByPath

        java.lang.String FindObjectByPath​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          int type,
                                          int flags,
                                          int level,
                                          int blockBegin,
                                          int blockCount,
                                          java.lang.String fullPath,
                                          int searchFlags)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieves the representation of an object in XML.

        If the type is DssXMLTypeFolder, level, which is not implemented yet, specifies the maximum level of children of the folder to be brought back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder, and -1 means all levels. By default, the objectType is folder.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information and definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, applications can use objectFlags to specify the information that they are interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockbegin and blockCount will define the subset of the children objects to be returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        type - Object type listed in the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes. [Default=DssXmlTypeFolder]
        flags - Flags to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. This value is the bitwise "and" of values take from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=0]
        level - The number of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1] (Note: not implemented yet)
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=1]
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. [Default=-1]
        fullPath - String of full path of the target object. If the object is shortcut, it includes the target name of the shortcut.
        searchFlags - Flags to specify whether the object is shortcut or not.
        The XML of the requested object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetFolderID

        java.lang.String GetFolderID​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     int folderName)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns the ID of a special folder.

        This method returns the ID of a given folder. With the folder ID, a user can call FindObject to retrieve the objects under this folder. The folderName parameter must be one of the values from EnumDSSXMLFolderNames

        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        folderName - The name of the folder taken from EnumDSSXMLFolderNames.
        An object ID corresponding to a folder.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetFolderID

        java.lang.String GetFolderID​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     int folderName,
                                     int requestTimeout)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns the ID of a special folder with specified request timeout.

        This method returns the ID of a given folder. With the folder ID, a user can call FindObject to retrieve the objects under this folder. The folderName parameter must be one of the values from EnumDSSXMLFolderNames

        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        folderName - The name of the folder taken from EnumDSSXMLFolderNames.
        requestTimeout - The request timeout.
        An object ID corresponding to a folder.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetFolderID

        java.lang.String GetFolderID​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     int folderName,
                                     int requestTimeout,
                                     boolean attemptFailover)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
      • GetProperties

        java.lang.String GetProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       java.lang.String requestXML,
                                       int flags)
                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Gets a property set from the server.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        requestXML - An XML String describing the information to retrieve.
        flags - A value from EnumDSSXMLPropertyFlags, specifying flags which apply to this operation.
        The requested property information, in XML format.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetFlexProperties

        java.lang.String GetFlexProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        sessionID - A valid Intelligence Server session ID.
        Properties governing Flash/flex visualization.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.1
      • getRoot

        java.lang.String getRoot​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                 int flags,
                                 int level,
                                 int blockBegin,
                                 int blockCount)
                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the root of an object hierarchy. Based on the sessionID, an application can get the root of the project object hierarchy or configuration object hierarchy.

        level specifies the maximum level of children of the folder will be bring back. 0 level means the folder itself, n means n levels below this folder and -1 means all levels.

        Each object contains several bits of information such as browsing information, definition. To optimize the amount of data to bring back, application can use flags to specify the information that it is interested in.

        When blockCount > 0, blockBegin and blockCount will define a subset of the children objects to returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        flags - Flags -EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags- to specify what part of the object information should be put in the returning XML. Flags are also used to specify if the application wants to refresh the object. [Default=0]
        level - The amount of sublevels for which to return children. Only valid when the object is a folder. Default is -1, meaning all levels.
        blockBegin - Starting children object index. Only valid when the object is a folder. Default is 1.
        blockCount - Maximum number of children objects to return. Only valid when the object is a folder. Default is -1, which means all objects.
        XML string represents the root folder.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetSearchResults

        java.lang.String GetSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          java.lang.String searchID,
                                          int objectFlags,
                                          int blockBegin,
                                          int blockCount,
                                          StringWrapper searchObject,
                                          IntWrapper status)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of a search.

        When blockCount > 0, blockBegin and blockCount will define a subset of the found objects to returned.

        All search results will be returned inside a search folder, which is generated by the Search function in order to store the results. The folder will have no name and - unlike other search objects - a reference to it will be absent beneath the <fct> node of the XML. Additional characteristics are that it will be the only object with an "mf='1'" attribute in its <oi> node, and that the value of the "id" attribute in its <oi> node must be equal to the value of the "rfd" attribute in the <mi> node of the search document.

        Even if no results are found in the search, a search folder will still be referenced in the XML returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        searchID - The unique id for the search.
        objectFlags - A value (or sum of values) of type EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=DssXmlObjectDefn]
        blockBegin - The index for the first object in the searching result set (incremental fetching). [Default=1]
        blockCount - The total number of objects to be returned. [Default=-1]
        searchObject - Output Parameter - The search object in XML format.
        status - Output Parameter - Search status: a value of type EnumDSSXMLObjectSearchStatus. DssXmlObjectSearchStatusRunning is returned if the search is still running; DssXmlObjectSearchStatusResultXML is returned if the search is finished and search results are ready.
        The XML definition of a folder which contains the dss objects that meet the search criteria (same format as the FindObject output).
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetSearchResults

        java.lang.String GetSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          java.lang.String searchID,
                                          int objectFlags,
                                          boolean treeInfo,
                                          int blockBegin,
                                          int blockCount,
                                          StringWrapper searchObject,
                                          IntWrapper status)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of a search.

        When blockCount > 0, blockBegin and blockCount will define a subset of the found objects to returned.

        All search results will be returned inside a search folder, which is generated by the Search function in order to store the results. The folder will have no name and - unlike other search objects - a reference to it will be absent beneath the <fct> node of the XML. Additional characteristics are that it will be the only object with an "mf='1'" attribute in its <oi> node, and that the value of the "id" attribute in its <oi> node must be equal to the value of the "rfd" attribute in the <mi> node of the search document.

        Even if no results are found in the search, a search folder will still be referenced in the XML returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        searchID - The unique id for the search.
        objectFlags - A value (or sum of values) of type EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=DssXmlObjectDefn]
        treeInfo - A boolean value to indicate whether the results should include the tree structure of the results.
        blockBegin - The index for the first object in the searching result set (incremental fetching). [Default=1]
        blockCount - The total number of objects to be returned. [Default=-1]
        searchObject - Output Parameter - The search object in XML format.
        status - Output Parameter - Search status: a value of type EnumDSSXMLObjectSearchStatus. DssXmlObjectSearchStatusRunning is returned if the search is still running; DssXmlObjectSearchStatusResultXML is returned if the search is finished and search results are ready.
        The XML definition of a folder which contains the dss objects that meet the search criteria (same format as the FindObject output).
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetSearchResults

        java.lang.String GetSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          java.lang.String searchID,
                                          int objectFlags,
                                          boolean treeInfo,
                                          int blockBegin,
                                          int blockCount,
                                          StringWrapper searchObject,
                                          IntWrapper status,
                                          int searchType)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Add a new parameter 'searchType' to send as a flag to backend to stop putting 'folder' objects at top of search results. This method retrieves the results of a search.

        When blockCount > 0, blockBegin and blockCount will define a subset of the found objects to returned.

        All search results will be returned inside a search folder, which is generated by the Search function in order to store the results. The folder will have no name and - unlike other search objects - a reference to it will be absent beneath the <fct> node of the XML. Additional characteristics are that it will be the only object with an "mf='1'" attribute in its <oi> node, and that the value of the "id" attribute in its <oi> node must be equal to the value of the "rfd" attribute in the <mi> node of the search document.

        Even if no results are found in the search, a search folder will still be referenced in the XML returned.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        searchID - The unique id for the search.
        objectFlags - A value (or sum of values) of type EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags. [Default=DssXmlObjectDefn]
        treeInfo - A boolean value to indicate whether the results should include the tree structure of the results.
        blockBegin - The index for the first object in the searching result set (incremental fetching). [Default=1]
        blockCount - The total number of objects to be returned. [Default=-1]
        searchObject - Output Parameter - The search object in XML format.
        status - Output Parameter - Search status: a value of type EnumDSSXMLObjectSearchStatus. DssXmlObjectSearchStatusRunning is returned if the search is still running; DssXmlObjectSearchStatusResultXML is returned if the search is finished and search results are ready.
        searchType - Search Type: a value of type
        The XML definition of a folder which contains the dss objects that meet the search criteria (same format as the FindObject output).
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • SendEmail

        java.lang.String SendEmail​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                   java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds,
                                   int notificationType,
                                   java.lang.String emailSubject,
                                   java.lang.String emailBody,
                                   java.lang.String emailHeader,
                                   java.lang.String emailFooter,
                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> extraProperties,
                                   boolean emailIsHTML)
                            throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Send email
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        userOrGroupIds - A list of ids (String) which will this object will be shared to, these can be user or user group ids
        notificationType - User specific flag EnumDSSXMLExternalNotificationType
        emailSubject - Subject of the email
        emailBody - Content of the email
        emailHeader - Header of the email
        emailFooter - Footer of the email
        extraProperties - Extra properties of the command
        emailIsHTML - True is the content of the email is HTML
        The returned response from IServer
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • PushNotification

        java.lang.String PushNotification​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          PushNotification pushNotification)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Send Notification
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        pushNotification - A object reprensenting the push notification that need to be sent
        The returned response from IServer
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • PublishObject

        java.lang.String PublishObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       java.lang.String objectID,
                                       EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag,
                                       java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds,
                                       java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> userOrGroupOperations)
                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        The publish object method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of an object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectID - The object ID of an object in the metadata to be published
        publishFlag - The publish action to be performed EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions
        userOrGroupIds - An array of object ids which will this object will be shared to, these can be user or group object ids
        An xml string representing the published object, in the case of unpublish we will be returning an id of 0000000000000000000000000000
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • PublishObject

        java.lang.String PublishObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       java.lang.String objectID,
                                       EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag,
                                       java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds,
                                       java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> userOrGroupOperations,
                                       java.lang.Integer objectType)
                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        The publish object method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of an object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectID - The object ID of an object in the metadata to be published
        publishFlag - The publish action to be performed EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions
        userOrGroupIds - An array of object ids which will this object will be shared to, these can be user or group object ids
        objectType - Integer value of the object to be published. When not supplied, defaults to the document/dossier object type
        An xml string representing the published object, in the case of unpublish we will be returning an id of 0000000000000000000000000000
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • PublishObjects

        java.lang.String PublishObjects​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                        java.util.List<java.lang.String> docIds,
                                        java.util.List<java.lang.String> reportIds,
                                        EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag,
                                        java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds,
                                        java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> userOrGroupOperation)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        The publish object method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of a collection of document and report objects in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        docIds - A list of object IDs of documents in the metadata to be published
        reportIds - A list of object IDs of reports in the metadata to be published
        publishFlag - The publish action to be performed EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions
        userOrGroupIds - An array of object ids which will this object will be shared to, these can be user or group object ids
        An xml string representing the published object, in the case of unpublish we will be returning an id of 0000000000000000000000000000
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • PublishInstance

        java.lang.String PublishInstance​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                         java.lang.String messageID,
                                         EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions publishFlag,
                                         java.util.List<java.lang.String> userOrGroupIds)
                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        The publish instance method will handle the publishing, republish, unpublish workflow of an objects instance when published the personal view will contain manipulationsin the definition of the instance.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        messageID - The message ID of an object instance in memory to be published
        publishFlag - The publish action to be performed EnumDSSXMLObjectPublishActions
        userOrGroupIds - An array of object ids which will this object will be shared to, these can be user or group object ids
        An xml string representing the published object, in the case of unpublish we will be returning an id of 0000000000000000000000000000
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • GetPublishInfo

        java.lang.String GetPublishInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                        java.lang.String objectID)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method will provide the publish information for an object, if unpublished an empty response xml will be returned
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectID - The ID of an object in the metadata
        An xml string representing the published object, . In the case that an object is not published an empty xml response will be provided;
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • CertifyObject

        java.lang.String CertifyObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       java.lang.String objectID,
                                       int objectType,
                                       int certify,
                                       int resultFlag)
                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method handles the certify and decertify of the object(only support document and report now).
        sessionID - A valid project session id
        objectID - The ID of the object in the metadata
        objectType - The type of the object in the metadata EnumDSSXMLObjectFlags, only support document and report type now.
        certify - 1 for certify object, 0 for decertify object
        resultFlag - By default is 0 , the result will include every item's execution result, if set as 1, success item will be by-passed, only failure items process result will be return.
        Certified: [{"oid":"#Object_ID#","result_code":0,"ctfs":1, "crfid": "#Certifier's ID", "ctfr":"#Certifer's name#","ctfl":"#Certifer's login#","ctft":"#certify time#"}] Not certified: [{ "oid":"#Object_ID#", "result_code":0,"ctfs":0}] Error: [{ "oid":"#Object_ID#", "result_code":"#result code#","er":"#Error_string#"}]
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition
      • PurgeSearch

        void PurgeSearch​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                         java.lang.String searchID)
                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        If there are too many searches in a session, it is desirable to purge the searches the session is holding. The responsibility to purge is with the user, because only the user can decide when a search is not useful to him.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        searchID - If the SearchID is left out, all the searches corresponding to this session are deleted.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • SynchronousQuickSearch

        java.lang.String SynchronousQuickSearch​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                int quickSearchCmd,
                                                java.lang.String namePattern,
                                                int startObject,
                                                int count,
                                                int searchType,
                                                java.lang.String descriptionPattern,
                                                int recursive,
                                                int includeManagedObjec,
                                                int resolveShortcut,
                                                java.lang.String searchFolders,
                                                java.lang.String ownerIds,
                                                java.lang.String types,
                                                java.lang.String beginCreateTime,
                                                java.lang.String endCreateTime,
                                                java.lang.String beginModifyTime,
                                                java.lang.String endModifyTime,
                                                int outputType)
                                         throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of a Synchronous Quick Search

        The search results will be returned by this call directly without get search ID first.

        sessionID - : A valid Session ID.
        quickSearchCmd - : Mean what type of data need to get back from the quick search command. quickSearchCmd=1 means get quick search status, quickSearchCmd=2 means do quick search.
        namePattern - : Query in object name, If namePattern is empty, it means search all objects.
        startObject - : 0 based, the start index of returned objects.
        count - : The max number of objects to be returned, usually equals to the page size.
        searchType - : The type of quick search, 0=contains, 2=exactly, 3=beginwith, 5=endwith; -1=not use quick search

        Optional parameter

        descriptionPattern - : Query in object description.
        recursive - : Whether search in sub folders recursively, 0 means false, others means true.
        includeManagedObjec - : Whether include managed objects, 0 means false, others means true.
        resolveShortcut - : Resolve shortcut to target, 0 means false, others means true.
        searchFolders - : Define folder ID(s) we need to search in which folder/folders. If there are multiple folders, the ids should be separated by space.
        ownerIds - : Define owner ID(s) we need to search in objects owned by. If there are multiple owners, the ids should be separated by space.
        types - : Define the object type(s) we need to search. If there are multiple types, the types should be separated by space. It could be either type or subtype.
        beginCreateTime - : Begin Create Time GMT. The time is in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.msec).
        endCreateTime - : End Create Time GMT. The time is in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.msec).
        beginModifyTime - : Begin Modify Time GMT. The time is in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.msec).
        endModifyTime - : End Modify Time GMT. The time is in ISO 8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.msec).
        outputType - : Define the output type of the search result. "1" means json type, "2" means XML type.
        The result XML, should be transfer into folder object later.

        Must have parameters

        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • Search

        java.lang.String Search​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                java.lang.String searchObjectXML)
                         throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.

        The search results will not be returned in this call. GetSearchResults needs to be called to retrieve the results.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        searchObjectXML - searchObjectXML must contain the definition of the search object. This is in XML format and needs to be constructed by the Web API user. If the user desires to execute a search that is already in the metadata, he needs to extract the object's definition and pass it here.
        The unique ID of the search. This will be passed to GetSearchResults to get the result XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • Search

        java.lang.String Search​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                java.lang.String searchObjectXML,
                                boolean useQuickSearch,
                                int searchType,
                                java.lang.String searchFields)
                         throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.

        The search results will not be returned in this call. GetSearchResults needs to be called to retrieve the results.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        searchObjectXML - searchObjectXML must contain the definition of the search object. This is in XML format and needs to be constructed by the Web API user. If the user desires to execute a search that is already in the metadata, he needs to extract the object's definition and pass it here.
        useQuickSearch -
        searchType - EnumDSSXMLSearchTypes
        searchFields - - combination of "name", "description" and "comment" delimited by ","
        The unique ID of the search. This will be passed to GetSearchResults to get the result XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • Search

        java.lang.String Search​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                java.lang.String searchObjectXML,
                                boolean useQuickSearch,
                                int searchType,
                                java.lang.String searchFields,
                                int firstObjectIndex)
                         throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.

        The search results will not be returned in this call. GetSearchResults needs to be called to retrieve the results.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        searchObjectXML - searchObjectXML must contain the definition of the search object. This is in XML format and needs to be constructed by the Web API user. If the user desires to execute a search that is already in the metadata, he needs to extract the object's definition and pass it here.
        useQuickSearch -
        searchType - EnumDSSXMLSearchTypes
        searchFields - combination of "name", "description" and "comment" delimited by ","
        firstObjectIndex - the index to begin searching from
        The unique ID of the search. This will be passed to GetSearchResults to get the result XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • SetProperties

        void SetProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                           java.lang.String requestXML,
                           int flags)
                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method allows for the manipulation of property sets.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        requestXML - An XML String describing the information to change.
        flags - A value from EnumDSSXMLPropertyFlags, specifying flags which apply to this operation.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetLinkItems

        java.lang.String GetLinkItems​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String requestXML,
                                      int blockBegin,
                                      int blockCount,
                                      int flags)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to retrieve link items from the Intelligence Server.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        requestXML - An XML string describing the information to get.
        blockBegin - The first item to return in the link item list. Used for incremental fetch.
        blockCount - The maximum number of items to return in the link item list.
        flags - The flags to use in the retrieval of the properties. This value should come from EnumDSSXMLPropertyFlags.
        An XML String containing the results of the request.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • SetLinkItems

        void SetLinkItems​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                          java.lang.String requestXML)
                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to set link items on the Intelligence Server.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        requestXML - An XML String describing the link items to be set.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • DeleteLinkItems

        void DeleteLinkItems​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                             java.lang.String requestXML)
                      throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to delete link items on the Intelligence Server.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        requestXML - An XML String describing the link items to be deleted.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • CopyObject

        java.lang.String CopyObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int objectType,
                                    int flags,
                                    java.lang.String newName,
                                    java.lang.String folderDID)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to create a copy of an existing object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectID - The DSSID of the object to copy.
        objectType - The type of the object to copy.
        flags - The object flags.
        newName - The name of the copied object.
        folderDID - The target folder where to create the copied object.
        object ID of the newly created object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • ExecuteBulkSave

        void ExecuteBulkSave​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                             java.lang.String objectXML)
                      throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to submit bulk save.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectXML - The object XML representing the latest state of the object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • SaveObject

        void SaveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                        java.lang.String objectID,
                        int objectType,
                        java.lang.String objectXML,
                        int flags)
                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to save changes to an existing object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectID - The DSSID of the object to copy.
        objectType - The type of the object to copy.
        flags - The object flags.
        objectXML - The object XML representing the latest state of the object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • SaveObject

        void SaveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                        java.lang.String objectID,
                        int objectType,
                        java.lang.String objectXML,
                        int flags,
                        byte[] walletInfo,
                        java.util.List<byte[]> walletBinaries)
                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to save changes to existing object in metadata with wallet attached.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectID - The DSSID of the object to copy.
        objectType - The type of the object to copy.
        objectXML - The object XML representing the latest state of the object.
        flags - The object flags.
        walletInfo - Wallet info in bytes.
        walletBinaries - wallet binary in bytes and stored in ArrayList.
      • UploadWallet

        java.lang.String UploadWallet​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String objectID,
                                      java.lang.String objectType,
                                      java.lang.String walletName,
                                      int executionFlags,
                                      int resultFlags,
                                      java.util.List<byte[]> walletBinaries)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Uploads the wallet binary to IServer through the socket and retrieves services list derived from wallet.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectID - The DSSID of the object.
        objectType - The type of the object.
        walletName - The name of the wallet.
        executionFlags - Flags specify different options for the execution. Value must be a bitwise "or" (addition) of values from EnumDSSXMLExecutionFlags.
        resultFlags - Tells the server how to present the results. This value must be a bitwise "or" (addition) of values from EnumDSSXMLResultFlags.
        walletBinaries - Wallet binaries in bytes and stored in ArrayList.
        JSON response representing the wallet services.
      • SaveAsObject

        java.lang.String SaveAsObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String objectName,
                                      int objectType,
                                      java.lang.String folderID,
                                      java.lang.String objectXML,
                                      int flags,
                                      int xmlFlags)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to create a new object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectName - The name of the new object.
        objectType - The type of the object to copy.
        flags - The object flags.
        objectXML - The object XML representing the new object.
        folderID - The target folder where to create the new object.
        xmlFlags - the XML object flag. EnumDSSXMLObjectXMLFlags.Only device/transmitter needs it.
        ID of the newly created object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • MoveObject

        java.lang.String MoveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int objectType,
                                    int flags,
                                    java.lang.String newName,
                                    java.lang.String folderDID)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to move an existing object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectID - The DSSID of the object to move.
        objectType - The type of the object to move.
        flags - The object flags.
        newName - The name of the moved object.
        folderDID - The target folder where to create the moved object.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.0
      • MoveObject

        java.lang.String MoveObject​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int objectType,
                                    int flags,
                                    java.lang.String newName,
                                    java.lang.String folderDID,
                                    boolean solveNameConflict)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to move an existing object in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        objectID - The DSSID of the object to move.
        objectType - The type of the object to move.
        flags - The object flags.
        newName - The name of the moved object.
        folderDID - The target folder where to create the moved object.
        solveNameConflict - indicate if we need to resolve name conflicts if there's any.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
        Cloud Pro
      • ApplyRuntimeSettings

        void ApplyRuntimeSettings​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                           throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method will cause the Intelligence Server to reload it's ServerDef object from the metadata. This is used to propagate changes to the ServerDef to the runtime environment.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if an error occurs.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • GetServerDefID

        java.lang.String GetServerDefID​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns the DSSID of the ServerDef which is currently being used by a running server.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        The DSSID of the ServerDef being used by the server.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if an error occurs.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • GetServerDef

        java.lang.String GetServerDef​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.Boolean defaultFlag)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns the ServerDef which is currently being used by a running server.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        The ServerDef being used by the server.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if an error occurs.
        MicroStrategy Web Polaris
      • GetSystemLinkID

        java.lang.String GetSystemLinkID​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                         java.lang.String projectID,
                                         int systemLink)
                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method returns the DSSID of the Link specified by the project and link type.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        projectID - The projectID of the project whose link object is queried.
        systemLink - A valid link type from the enumeration EnumDSSXMLSystemLinks.
        DSSID of the Link specified by the project and the link type
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if IServer encountered an error.
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.2
      • ManipulateUserAnswer

        java.lang.String ManipulateUserAnswer​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                              java.lang.String commandXML)
                                       throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method loads, edits and saves user prompt answers.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        the resultant XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if IServer encountered an error.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • ManipulateUserAnswer

        java.lang.String ManipulateUserAnswer​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                              java.lang.String commandXML,
                                              int flag)
                                       throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method loads, edits and saves user prompt answers.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        commandXML - The body of manipulation command.
        flag - Flag Whether to return detailed object information. It is based on EnumDSSXMLSourceFlags
        the resultant XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if IServer encountered an error.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetSystemFunctions

        java.lang.String GetSystemFunctions​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                            int flags)
                                     throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the list of System functions.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        flags - the function flags value. It is based on EnumDSSXMLFunctionsFlags
        the resultant XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if IServer encountered an error.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • ObjectLock

        java.lang.String ObjectLock​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String command)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method locks, unlocks and queries object locks in the metadata.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from the Intelligence Server.
        command - the command XML to lock, unlock or query object locks.
        the resultant XML for the query object lock command. Returns empty string for lock and unlock object locks.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Thrown if IServer encountered an error.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • InvokeSourceManipulator

        java.lang.String InvokeSourceManipulator​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                 java.lang.String manipulationXML)
                                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Invoke the source manipulator to perform project merge or metadata deltas in a bulk operation. The order of manipulations which appear in the command XML is important and is strictly followed. If one of the manipulations fails it will abort processing and return an error, but there is no attemp to undo any manipulations that is already proecessed.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        manipulationXML - the XML command to
        the result XML string reserved for future use cases. For the time being, it is an empty string.
        MSTRWebAPIException - thrown if there is any error
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetSourceManipulatorDelta

        byte[] GetSourceManipulatorDelta​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                         java.lang.String manipulationXML)
                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Invoke the source manipulator to return a metadata delta package.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        manipulationXML - the XML command to
        the result XML string reserved for future use cases. For the time being, it is an empty string.
        MSTRWebAPIException - thrown if there is any error
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetFilterExpression

        java.lang.String GetFilterExpression​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                             java.lang.String commandXML)
                                      throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns the filter expression that the given filter expression resolves into.
        sessionID - A valid session ID.
        commandXML - A command XML describing the command to use.
        The result of the call.
        MSTRWebAPIException - thrown if an error occurs.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetRootExpression

        java.lang.String GetRootExpression​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                           java.lang.String metricID)
                                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns the root expression of the specified metric.
        sessionID - A valid session ID
        metricID - DSS ID of the metric whose expression is requested
        XML representing the root expression of the metric
        MSTRWebAPIException - thwon if an error is encountered.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • GetDimensionAttributeLock

        java.lang.String GetDimensionAttributeLock​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                   java.lang.String dimensionID)
                                            throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns XML containing the System Dimension Attributes that have lock properties specified
        sessionID -
        dimensionID -
      • GetConfiguredDSNs

        java.lang.String GetConfiguredDSNs​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns XML containing a list of Data Source Names configured on the I-Server machine.
        sessionID -
        XML representing a list of DSNs
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.3
      • GetTransactionReportXML

        java.lang.String GetTransactionReportXML​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                 java.lang.String transactionReportID)
                                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns the XML contains the inputMapping for the transactionReport
        sessionID -
        transactionReportID -
        the XML contains the inputMapping for the transactionReport
      • ParseMetric

        java.lang.String ParseMetric​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     java.lang.String metricID,
                                     java.lang.String mtXML,
                                     java.lang.String tokenStreamXML,
                                     java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML,
                                     int parserActionFlags,
                                     int parserOutFlags,
                                     java.lang.String folderID)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to parse a metric.
        sessionID -
        metricID -
        mtXML - scaled down metric XML
        tokenStreamXML - token stream XML
        localSymbolFolderXML - local symbol folder XML
        parserActionFlags - flags indicating the parse actions from EnumDSSXMLParserActionFlags
        parserOutFlags - flags from EnumDSSXMLParserOutFlags indicating which part should be returned
        folderID - DSS ID of the parent folder
        scaled down metric and token stream XMLs
        MicroStrategy Web 9.2.2
      • ParseMetric

        java.lang.String ParseMetric​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                     java.lang.String messageID,
                                     java.lang.String metricID,
                                     java.lang.String mtXML,
                                     java.lang.String tokenStreamXML,
                                     java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML,
                                     int parserActionFlags,
                                     int parserOutFlags,
                                     java.lang.String folderID)
                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to parse a metric.
        sessionID -
        messageID -
        metricID -
        mtXML - scaled down metric XML
        tokenStreamXML - token stream XML
        localSymbolFolderXML - local symbol folder XML
        parserActionFlags - flags indicating the parse actions from EnumDSSXMLParserActionFlags
        parserOutFlags - flags from EnumDSSXMLParserOutFlags indicating which part should be returned
        folderID - DSS ID of the parent folder
        scaled down metric and token stream XMLs
        MicroStrategy Web 9.2.2
      • ParseMetricAndAttribute

        java.lang.String ParseMetricAndAttribute​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                 java.lang.String messageID,
                                                 java.lang.String objectID,
                                                 int objectType,
                                                 java.lang.String mtXML,
                                                 java.lang.String tokenStreamXML,
                                                 java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML,
                                                 int parserActionFlags,
                                                 int parserOutFlags,
                                                 java.lang.String folderID,
                                                 java.lang.String formId)
                                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to parse a metric, derived metric or derived attribute.
        sessionID -
        messageID -
        objectID -
        objectType -
        mtXML - scaled down metric XML
        tokenStreamXML - token stream XML
        localSymbolFolderXML - local symbol folder XML
        parserActionFlags - flags indicating the parse actions from EnumDSSXMLParserActionFlags
        parserOutFlags - flags from EnumDSSXMLParserOutFlags indicating which part should be returned
        folderID - DSS ID of the parent folder
        formId - DSS ID of the validating attribute form
        scaled down metric and token stream XMLs
        MicroStrategy Web 9.2.2
      • ParseModel

        java.lang.String ParseModel​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int targetType,
                                    java.util.OptionalInt dssType,
                                    java.lang.String tokenStreamXML,
                                    java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML,
                                    java.lang.String availableObjectsXML,
                                    int parserActionFlags,
                                    int parserOutFlags)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to parse a model except metric and attributes, including fact, filter and any other objects. This method is overloading the ParseModel by introducing another parameter `availableObjectsJSON` to support object context.
        sessionID -
        objectID -
        targetType - the type matching up with the object. We will set the value in an attribute called Att_TargetType in EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes, as there is no messageID as the parameter, this parameter only stands for the Att_TargetType
        dssType - the DSS type in order to support the target object for parse_model command in EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes
        tokenStreamXML - token stream XML
        localSymbolFolderXML - local symbol folder XML
        availableObjectsXML - JSON representation of the objects in an XML node which is used to support object context
        parserActionFlags - flags indicating the parse actions from EnumDSSXMLParserActionFlags
        parserOutFlags - flags from EnumDSSXMLParserOutFlags indicating which part should be returned
        result returned from IServer token stream XMLs
        MicroStrategy Web 11.2.1
      • ParseModel

        java.lang.String ParseModel​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                    java.lang.String objectID,
                                    int objectType,
                                    java.util.OptionalInt dssType,
                                    java.lang.String tokenStreamXML,
                                    java.lang.String localSymbolFolderXML,
                                    java.lang.String availableObjectsXML,
                                    int parserActionFlags,
                                    int parserOutFlags,
                                    java.lang.String messageId)
                             throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to parse a model except metric and attributes, including fact, filter and any other objects. This method is overloading the ParseModel by introducing another parameter `availableObjectsJSON` to support object context.
        sessionID -
        objectID -
        objectType - the type matching up with the object. We will set the value in an attribute called Att_TargetType or Att_ObjectType for report instance support in EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes
        dssType - the DSS type in order to support the target object for parse_model command in EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes
        tokenStreamXML - token stream XML
        localSymbolFolderXML - local symbol folder XML
        availableObjectsXML - JSON representation of the objects in an XML node which is used to support object context
        parserActionFlags - flags indicating the parse actions from EnumDSSXMLParserActionFlags
        parserOutFlags - flags from EnumDSSXMLParserOutFlags indicating which part should be returned
        messageId - The optional message id corresponding to a report instance
        result returned from IServer token stream XMLs
        MicroStrategy Web 11.3.4
      • GetSearchSuggestions

        java.lang.String GetSearchSuggestions​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                              java.lang.String searchKey,
                                              int blockCount,
                                              int localeId)
                                       throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns XML containing a list of search suggestions based on the search key provided.
        sessionID -
        searchKey -
        blockCount -
        localeId -
        XML representing a list of search suggestions
        MicroStrategy Web 9.2.2
      • GetQuickSearchStatus

        java.lang.String GetQuickSearchStatus​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                              int qscmd)
                                       throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Returns XML containing quick search status.
        sessionID -
        qscmd -
        XML quick search status
      • ChangeJournalCommon

        java.lang.String ChangeJournalCommon​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                             int type,
                                             java.lang.String extParams)
                                      throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method purge/enable/disable change journal.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        Enable - /Disable/Purge commands type EnumDSSXMLChangeJournalCommandType
        extParam - extendable parameter
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • ChangeObjectID

        java.lang.String ChangeObjectID​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                        java.lang.String objectId,
                                        int type,
                                        java.lang.String newId)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method changes DSS ID of the given object.
        sessionID - A valid session id.
        objectId - The DSS ID of the object to be changed.
        type - The type of the object to be changed.
        newId - The new DSS ID of the object.
      • getAllPalettes

        java.lang.String getAllPalettes​(java.lang.String sessionId)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Get all palettes (including system and custom)
        sessionId - A valid session id.
        String with json format of Palettes List
      • UpdateTheme

        void UpdateTheme​(java.lang.String sessionId,
                         java.lang.String themeID,
                         java.lang.String defaultPaletteID,
                         java.lang.String[] paletteIDs,
                         int flag)
                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Update theme info - add/remove palettes to/from theme; set default palette
        sessionId -
        themeID -
        defaultPaletteID -
        paletteIDs -
        flag -
      • GetUserDICubeInfo

        java.lang.String GetUserDICubeInfo​(java.lang.String sessionId,
                                           java.lang.String[] ids,
                                           int option)
                                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        sessionId -
        ids -
        option -
      • getExternalSourceInfo

        java.lang.String getExternalSourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                               int flags,
                                               java.lang.String sourceID,
                                               int sourceType)
                                        throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieve external source information
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        flags - XML Command flags
        sourceID - XML Command srcid
        sourceType - XML Command srct
        External source information
      • getAndSetExternalSourceInfo

        java.lang.String getAndSetExternalSourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                     int flags,
                                                     java.lang.String sourceID,
                                                     int sourceType,
                                                     java.lang.String u,
                                                     java.lang.String localeDateNumber,
                                                     java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> tokenInfo)
                                              throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieve external source information after setting new token
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        flags - XML Command flags
        sourceID - XML Command srcid
        sourceType - XML Command srct
        u - User name attribute "un" for token info
        count - Count attribute "cn" for token info
        localeDateNumber - Locale date number attribute "lcldn" for token info
        tokenInfo - Token information map. Example keys: SESSION_ID, SERVER_URL, REFRESH_ID, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_ID
        External source information
      • getAndSetExternalDatasourceInfo

        java.lang.String getAndSetExternalDatasourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                         int flags,
                                                         java.lang.String dbrid,
                                                         java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> tokenInfo)
                                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        Retrieve external datasource information after setting new token
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        flags - XML Command flags
        dbrid - XML Command dbrid
        tokenInfo - Token information map. Example keys: CODE, dynamicRedirectURI
        External datasource information
      • createLocale

        java.lang.String createLocale​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                      java.lang.String objectName,
                                      int localeID,
                                      int localeFlag,
                                      java.lang.String folderID,
                                      int objectFlag)
                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This manipulation allows the caller to create a locale object.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectName - the name of new locale
        localeID - locale id
        localeFlag - It has the effect of adding the new locale to the list of supported metadata and / or data locales in the project. If it is not needed, you can set it to 0;
        folderID - folder id where the locale is stored
        the id of newly created locale
      • manipulateLocaleLinkedToInterfaceLanguage

        java.lang.String manipulateLocaleLinkedToInterfaceLanguage​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                                   java.lang.String objectName,
                                                                   int localeID,
                                                                   java.lang.String interfaceLanguageId,
                                                                   int localeFlag,
                                                                   java.lang.String folderID,
                                                                   int objectFlag)
                                                            throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This manipulation allows the caller to create a locale object linked to interface language.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectName - the name of new locale
        localeID - locale id
        interfaceLanguageId - interface language id
        localeFlag - It has the effect of adding the new locale to the list of supported metadata and / or data locales in the project. If it is not needed, you can set it to 0;
        folderID - folder id where the locale is stored
        the id of newly created locale
      • updateTranslations

        java.lang.String updateTranslations​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                            java.lang.String objectID,
                                            int objectType,
                                            java.lang.String updateXml)
                                     throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This manipulation allows user to add, update, and delete any translations at any locale for one object.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectID - object id
        objectType - object type
        updateXml - extendable parameter
        the number of added/updated/deleted translations.
      • listTranslations

        java.lang.String listTranslations​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                          java.lang.String listXml)
                                   throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This manipulation allows user to list any translations at any locales for any keys for multiple objects and their embedded objects.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        listXml - extendable parameter
        xml string contains the result of list translations
      • SearchIndexCommon

        java.lang.String SearchIndexCommon​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                           int quickSearchCommand,
                                           java.lang.String projeceID,
                                           java.lang.String enabled)
                                    throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is a common method to start/stop SearchEngine,get its properties, start/pause/destroy crawl and so on
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        quickSearchCommand - EnumDSSXMLQuickSearchCommands
        projectID - , needs to specified when the command is 6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13 and 14
        enabled - , "1" means enable search on the project specified in projectID, "0" means disable
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • SaveSearchEngineProperties

        void SaveSearchEngineProperties​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                        java.lang.String autoStartQuickSearch,
                                        java.lang.String indexLocation,
                                        java.lang.String stopwordsXML)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to save SearchEngineProperties
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        autoStartQuickSearch - , "1" means autoStartQuickSearch of SearchEngineProperties is true, "0" means false.
        indexLocation - , the indexlocation of SearchEngineProperties
        stopwordsXML - , the stopwords of SearchEngineProperties
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • ChangeJournalSearch

        java.lang.String ChangeJournalSearch​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                             int maxEntries,
                                             java.lang.String searchContentXML)
                                      throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method finds a set of DSS objects with the given conditions.

        The search results will not be returned in this call. GetChangeJournalSearchResults needs to be called to retrieve the results.

        sessionID - A valid Session ID.
        maxEntries - The maximum number of change journal entries to retrieve, by default up to the last 100 entries will be retrieved, if the caller passes in 0 all entries associated with the object will be retrieved
        searchContentXML - searchObjectXML must contain the definition of the search object. This is in XML format and constructed by the Web API to reflect the filter of this search.
        The unique ID of the search. This will be passed to GetChangeJournalSearchResults to get the result XML.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetChangeJournalSearchResults

        java.lang.String GetChangeJournalSearchResults​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                       java.lang.String searchID,
                                                       IntWrapper status,
                                                       int blockBegin,
                                                       int blockCount)
                                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of a change journal search.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        searchID - The unique id for the search.
        status - Output Parameter - Search status: a value of type EnumDSSXMLObjectSearchStatus.
        blockBegin - The index for the first object in the searching result set (incremental fetching). [Default=1]
        blockCount - The total number of objects to be returned. [Default=-1]
        The XML contains the collection of the change journal entries that meet the search criteria
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetDependencies

        java.lang.String GetDependencies​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                         java.lang.String objectID,
                                         int objectType,
                                         int objectSubType,
                                         int detailFlag)
                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of dependency search.
        sessionID - A valid Session ID
        objectID - The unique id of the object.
        objectType - The type of the object, from EnumDSSXMLObjectTypes.
        objectSubType - The type of the object, from EnumDSSXMLObjectSubTypes.
        detailFlag - Specifying the type of data to return. Should come from EnumDSSXMLNCSInstanceSourceField.Only DssXmlNCSInstanceCountField & DssXmlNCSInstanceDefinitionField are supported. Optional, default value is DssXmlNCSInstanceCountField, and only object counts will be returned.
        The XML contains the collection of objects that depend on current objectID.
        MSTRWebAPIException - Signals an error condition.
      • GetUserLibrary

        java.lang.String GetUserLibrary​(java.lang.String confSessionID)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of all dossiers belonged to specified user. This method is deprecated. Use GetUserLibraryEx instead.
        confSessionID - The configuration session id
        The JSON format String of all dossiers
      • GetUserLibrary

        java.lang.String GetUserLibrary​(java.lang.String confSessionID,
                                        java.util.List<EnumDSSXMLLibraryOutputFlag> outputFlags)
                                 throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of all dossiers belonged to specified user. This method is deprecated. Use GetUserLibraryEx instead.
        confSessionID - The configuration session id
        outputFlags - Characterize what is contained or filtered out of the library output
        The JSON format String of all dossiers
      • GetUserLibraryEx

        IDSSXMLObjectServer.StringFormatAndErrorData GetUserLibraryEx​(java.lang.String confSessionID,
                                                                      java.util.List<EnumDSSXMLLibraryOutputFlag> outputFlags)
                                                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of all dossiers belonged to specified user. If dossiers for any particular project could not be retrieved, then the Project ID and its exception (reason for failure) is also returned.
        confSessionID - The configuration session id
        outputFlags - Characterize what is contained or filtered out of the library output, this might be null
        The GULData object that holds the JSON format String of all dossiers and the project related errors
      • GetUserLibraryEx

        IDSSXMLObjectServer.StringFormatAndErrorData GetUserLibraryEx​(java.lang.String confSessionID,
                                                                      java.util.List<EnumDSSXMLLibraryOutputFlag> outputFlags,
                                                                      java.lang.String applicationId)
                                                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the results of all dossiers belonged to specified user in a specific custom application. If dossiers for any particular project could not be retrieved, then the Project ID and its exception (reason for failure) is also returned.
        confSessionID - The configuration session id
        outputFlags - Characterize what is contained or filtered out of the library output, this might be null
        applicationId - The custom application id used to filter the library content
        The GULData object that holds the JSON format String of all dossiers and the project related errors
      • isFeatureFlagExisted

        boolean isFeatureFlagExisted​(java.lang.String sessioinID,
                                     java.lang.String featureID)
        This method checks the existence of specific feature flag, to see if this is set in FeatureFlags.PDS or not.
        sessioinID - the session id
        featureID - the feature id of specific feature
        Boolean value: whether this flag is set or not.
      • IsFeatureEnabled

        boolean IsFeatureEnabled​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                 java.lang.String featureName)
                          throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves whether the specified feature is enabled.
        sessionID - the session id
        featureName - the name of the specified feature
        whether the feature is enabled.
      • GetFeatureInfos

        java.lang.String GetFeatureInfos​(java.lang.String sessionID)
                                  throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method retrieves the information of all features.
        sessionID - the session id
        the information of all features.
      • ChangeFeatureStatus

        java.lang.String ChangeFeatureStatus​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                             java.lang.String deltaXML)
                                      throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to change the status of features
        sessionID - the session id
        deltaXML - deltaXML
      • GetCubeSecurityFilters

        java.lang.String GetCubeSecurityFilters​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                java.lang.String userID,
                                                java.lang.String cubeID)
                                         throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method get the cube's security filters. if only provide cubeId, the method will return cube's all security filters for provided cube. if provide cubeId and userId, the method will return an cube's security filter for provided cube related to provided user. Explain for backend implement of cube level's security filter: there is no first class object for cube security filter which actually is combined to user level's security filter in MD, the cube security filter expression is pruned form user level's filter by backend. Currently,backend returns cube's security filters through checking userIds in cube's ACL when only provided cubeId.
        sessionID - the session id
        userID - user id
        cubeID - cube id
      • UpdateCubeSecurityFilters

        java.lang.String UpdateCubeSecurityFilters​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                   java.lang.String cubeID,
                                                   java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​java.lang.String> cubeSecurityFilters)
                                            throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is for partially updating cube's security filters. Explain for backend implement of cube level's security filter: there is no first class object for cube security filter which actually is combined to user level's security filter in MD, the cube security filter expression is pruned form user level's filter by backend. Note that this method requires include the above 10.8 version for IServer due to changed backend.
        sessionID - the session id
        cubeID - cube id
        cubeSecurityFilters - userId map to filter expression xml
      • GetVLDBInheritedValuesAsJSON

        java.lang.String GetVLDBInheritedValuesAsJSON​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                                      java.lang.String objectID,
                                                      int objectType,
                                                      java.lang.String messageID,
                                                      java.lang.String propertySetID,
                                                      java.util.List<java.lang.Integer> propertyIDs)
                                               throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used for getting the inherited value of VLDB property. The internal logic can be seen in the doc "VLDB Overall design"
        sessionID - the session id
        objectID - object id
        objectType - object type, which can be found in
        messageID - message id
        propertySetID - the id of VLDB property set, which is a GUID
        propertyIDs - the id of VLDB property that you want to get value
        the json string that contains the VLDB inherited property value
      • GetSourceInfo

        java.lang.String GetSourceInfo​(java.lang.String sessionID,
                                       int type,
                                       java.lang.String deltaXML)
                                throws MSTRWebAPIException
        This method is used to get source info.
        sessionID - A valid session ID from an Intelligence Server.
        type - Get source info command type.
        deltaXML - XML string to be concatenated into command XML.