Interface ThresholdEditorBean

    • Method Detail

      • getCurrentThresholdID

        java.lang.String getCurrentThresholdID()
        Returns the currently selected threshold ID.
      • setCurrentThresholdID

        void setCurrentThresholdID​(java.lang.String thresholdID)
        Sets the currently selected threshold ID.
      • getThresholdsType

        int getThresholdsType()
        Returns the type of the thresholds defined on the currently active container The type corresponds to a value from EnumThresholdTypes. All the thresholds for this active container need to be of the same type in order for this method to return a proper type. If at least one of the thresholds is of a different type, then EnumThresholdTypes.TYPE_COMPLEX is returned
        The thresholds type of the currently selected threshold container.
      • getMetricsList

        java.util.Enumeration getMetricsList()
        Returns a list of metrics that are considered to be available to the user for editing the threshold.
      • getAttributesList

        java.util.Enumeration getAttributesList()
        Returns a list of attributes that are considered to be available to the user for editing the threshold.
      • getMetricsListWithDataSetInfo

        java.util.Enumeration getMetricsListWithDataSetInfo​(java.util.List dataSetList)
        Returns a list of metrics that are considered to be available to the user for editing the threshold. And also store the related dataset id in the parameter list
        dataSetList -
      • setCurrentContainerKey

        void setCurrentContainerKey​(java.lang.String id)
        Sets the id of the currently selected thresholds container in the editor
        id - The current container ID.
      • getCurrentContainerKey

        java.lang.String getCurrentContainerKey()
        Returns the id of the currently selected container.
        The current container ID.
      • setAutoApply

        void setAutoApply​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to apply each change in the editor as it happens. This is meant as a hint to the GUI - this will have no effect on the actual behavior of the bean.
        value - The new value of the auto-apply setting.
      • getAutoApply

        boolean getAutoApply()
        Returns whether to apply each change in the editor as it happens. This is meant as a hint to the GUI - this will have no effect on the actual behavior of the bean.
        boolean The current value of the auto-apply setting.
      • setShowLabels

        void setShowLabels​(boolean value)
        Sets whether to show all value labels in the editor.
        value - The new value of the setting.
      • getShowLabels

        boolean getShowLabels()
        Returns whether to show all value labels in the editor
        boolean The current setting of the show all labels parameter.
      • setCurrentRangeBoundaries

        void setCurrentRangeBoundaries​(java.lang.String value)
        Sets the current range boundary of the threshold.
        value - The new value for the range boundary.
      • getCurrentRangeBoundaries

        java.lang.String getCurrentRangeBoundaries()
        Returns the current range boundary of the threshold.
        The current setting for the range boundary.
      • applyChanges

        void applyChanges()
        Applies all changes made to the threshold editor bean to the underlying thresholds object.
      • resetChanges

        void resetChanges()
        This method removes all changes made to the threshold editor bean, effectively setting it back to the state it was in before doing any edits.
      • getCopyContainerKey

        java.lang.String getCopyContainerKey()
        Returns the current container key that the user has selected for the "copy" operation.
        The current copy container key.
      • getCopyThresholdID

        java.lang.String getCopyThresholdID()
        Returns the current threshold ID that the user has selected for the "copy" operation.
        The copy threshold ID.
      • setExpressionEditorThresholdID

        void setExpressionEditorThresholdID​(java.lang.String thresholdID)
        Sets the ID of the threshold that the ThresholdExpressionBean is currently set to work on. This must be done because there exists only one expression editing bean for all expressions.
        thresholdID - The threshold ID of the expression editor's focus.
      • getExpressionEditorThresholdID

        java.lang.String getExpressionEditorThresholdID()
        Returns the ID of the threshold that the ThresholdExpressionBean is currently set to work on. This must be set because there exists only one expression editing bean for all expressions, and so that bean must be made aware of which expression is being edited.
        The current id of the expression editor's focus.
      • setAllowToggleThresholds

        void setAllowToggleThresholds​(boolean value)
                               throws WebBeanException
        This method can be used to toggle whether the user is allowed to toggle the thresholds in the report.
        WebBeanException - Thrown if an error occurs when setting the value.
      • getAllowToggleThresholds

        boolean getAllowToggleThresholds()
                                  throws WebBeanException
        This method can be used to toggle whether the user is allowed to toggle the thresholds in the report.
        WebBeanException - Thrown if an error occurs when setting the value.
      • getThresholdsByKey

        WebThresholds getThresholdsByKey​(java.lang.String key)
        This method can be used to get the WebThresholds object corresponding to a specific container key.
        key - The container key of the thresholds object to obtain.
      • getThresholdsType

        int getThresholdsType​(java.lang.String key)
        This method will return the thresholds type, from EnumThresholdTypes, of the thresholds collection associated with the given container key.
        The thresholds type of the thresholds collection associated with the given key, from EnumThresholdTypes.
      • isConditionalFormatting

        boolean isConditionalFormatting()
        Returns true if we are editing threshold definition on the document field.
        true if we are editing threshold definition on the document field.
      • clearThresholdCopies

        void clearThresholdCopies()