Interface LoginBean

    • Method Detail

      • getLoginRequiredUserName

        java.lang.String getLoginRequiredUserName()
        Get the user ID that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        a String with the login ID name. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request. If nothing found, returns null
      • getLoginRequiredPortNumber

        int getLoginRequiredPortNumber()
        Get the port number that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        an int with the number of the port. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request. If nothing found, returns 0
      • getLoginRequiredServerName

        java.lang.String getLoginRequiredServerName()
        Get the server name that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        a String with the server name. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request. If nothing found, returns null
      • getServerAlias

        java.lang.String getServerAlias()
        Get the server alias that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        a String with the server alias. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request. If nothing found, returns null
      • getLoginRequiredProjectName

        java.lang.String getLoginRequiredProjectName()
        Get the project name that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        a String with the project name. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request. If nothing found, returns null
      • getLoginRequiredKey

        java.lang.String getLoginRequiredKey()
        Get the key of the session that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        a String with the session key. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request. If nothing found, returns null
      • getLoginRequiredAuthenticationMode

        int getLoginRequiredAuthenticationMode()
        Get the authentication mode that is known to require more information to complete a valid login
        an int with an authentication mode value defined on EnumDSSXMLAuthModes. This value might come from previous information the user sent on a request.
      • getAvailableAuthenticationModes

        int getAvailableAuthenticationModes()
        Get the authentication modes enabled for the given server where the user is trying to connect to.
        a flag made up by EnumDSSXMLAuthModes values indicating which modes are enabled. If no server is specified, then the Administrator default setting value is returned.
      • getAvailableWebLoginModes

        int getAvailableWebLoginModes()
        Get the web login modes enabled for the given server where the user is trying to connect to.
        a flag made up by EnumWebLoginModes values indicating which modes are enabled. If no server is specified, then the Administrator default setting value is returned.
      • getDefaultAuthenticationMode

        int getDefaultAuthenticationMode()
        Get the default authentication mode selected for the given server where the user is trying to connect to.
        an int value from EnumDSSXMLAuthModes indicating which mode is the default. If no server is specified, then the Administrator default setting value is returned.
      • getDefaultWebLoginMode

        int getDefaultWebLoginMode()
        Get the default web login mode selected for the given server where the user is trying to connect to.
        an int value from EnumWebLoginModes indicating which mode is the default. If no server is specified, then the Administrator default setting value is returned.
      • isConnectionInformationOnURL

        boolean isConnectionInformationOnURL()
        Get if the connection information should be passed on the URL once the login request is submitted by the user
        a boolean value according to the Administrator setting.
      • getTargetRequestKeys

        RequestKeys getTargetRequestKeys()
        Get the RequestKeys instance to be used for obtaining the target information on where the login bean should go after the login form is successfully submitted.
        a RequestKeys instance with the information, if available.
      • setTargetRequestKeys

        void setTargetRequestKeys​(java.lang.String targetUrl,
                                  boolean lateRestoreState)
        Set the url information that will get the RequestKeys instance initialized, for knowing where the login bean should redirect the user once the login form is submitted successfully
        targetUrl - String with the url information where to take the user after login.
        lateRestoreState - boolean value indicating if information for the target request keys comes from restore state or not.