Interface EnumGridFormatEditorEvents
- All Superinterfaces:
public interface EnumGridFormatEditorEvents extends EnumGridFormatEvents
This enumeration contains the list of events and arguments handled by theGridFormatEditorBean
.- Since:
- MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
Field Summary
Fields Modifier and Type Field Description static int
static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for all the borders of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the user has requested to apply the changes and close the editor.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the level of border customization the user has selected to apply.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the bottom border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the bottom border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the user has requested to close the editor without applying the changes.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the font script to apply includes strikeout or not.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the font style to apply includes strikeout or not.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the horizontal align to apply to the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the horizontal inside border color to apply.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the horizontal inside border style to apply.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the left border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the left border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the prefix to use for identifying the number category selected.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the position where the currency symbol will be placed.static int
Identifier for the argument that represents the custom formatting string the user has selected for the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the number of decimal places to apply as part of the number formatting selected.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the type of negative number formatting to apply as part of the number category selected.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the number category to use on the selected target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the right border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the right border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the tab the user requested to be shown.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates if text wrap should be applied on the cells or not.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the top border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the top border of the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the vertical align to apply to the target object.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the vertical inside border color to apply.static int
Identifier for the argument that indicates the vertical inside border style to apply.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to change the target object to be formatted.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to change the number category to be applied on the selected target object.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Border properties tab of the editor.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Align properties tab of the editor.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Font properties tab of the editor.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Number properties tab of the editor.static int
Identifier for the event that allows users to switch the tab currently displayed with the grid formatting information.-
Fields inherited from interface
WebEventApply, WebEventCancel, WebEventClose, WebEventOk, WebEventOpen
Fields inherited from interface
WebEventArgumentApplyGridFormatChanges, WebEventArgumentAxisPosition, WebEventArgumentFontBackgroundColor, WebEventArgumentFontBold, WebEventArgumentFontColor, WebEventArgumentFontItalic, WebEventArgumentFontName, WebEventArgumentFontSize, WebEventArgumentFontUnderline, WebEventArgumentLevel, WebEventArgumentNumberCurrencySymbol, WebEventArgumentOldStyle, WebEventArgumentThousandSeparator, WebEventArgumentUnit
Fields inherited from interface
WebEventArgumentAddUnitButton, WebEventArgumentAnswerFormat, WebEventArgumentAnswerOptions, WebEventArgumentAttributeIdFormId, WebEventArgumentBean, WebEventArgumentBoneHeight, WebEventArgumentBoneName, WebEventArgumentBoneWidth, WebEventArgumentBrowserSettingName, WebEventArgumentBrowserSettingValue, WebEventArgumentClearExistinAndAddUnitsButton, WebEventArgumentExecutePromptedReport, WebEventArgumentFolderViewMode, WebEventArgumentLoadFile, WebEventArgumentLoadFileSeparator, WebEventArgumentNCSubscriptionsViewMode, WebEventArgumentPrefName, WebEventArgumentPrefValue, WebEventArgumentPromptFunction, WebEventArgumentRefreshOrigin, WebEventArgumentSaveFolderID, WebEventArgumentScreenMode, WebEventArgumentSecurityRolesViewMode, WebEventArgumentShowBean, WebEventArgumentShowBeanProperties, WebEventArgumentSubscriptionsViewMode, WebEventArgumentTextFileAnswer, WebEventArgumentUnitsToAdd, WebEventArgumentUserManagerViewModeType, WebEventChangeFolderViewMode, WebEventChangeSecurityRolesViewMode, WebEventChangeSubscriptionsViewMode, WebEventChangeUserManagerViewModeType, WebEventRefresh, WebEventSetPermanentBrowserSetting, WebEventSetSaveFolderID, WebEventSetSessionBrowserSetting, WebEventShowBean, WebEventSwitchScreenMode, WebEventUpdateBoneProperty, WebEventUpdatePreference
Fields inherited from interface
RWebEventArgumentIMPORTAFTERSAVE, WebEventAddCacheSubscription, WebEventAddInboxSubscription, WebEventAddMobileSubscription, WebEventAddPersonalViewSubscription, WebEventAddSubscription, WebEventAdminOpenHome, WebEventArgumentActionType, WebEventArgumentAdvancedOption, WebEventArgumentAllowExecute, WebEventArgumentAnalysisAddMode, WebEventArgumentAnalysisID, WebEventArgumentApplyChangesFirst, WebEventArgumentAuthenticationMode, WebEventArgumentBeansState, WebEventArgumentCheckLogin, WebEventArgumentClearPage, WebEventArgumentConvertDashboardToDoc, WebEventArgumentCubeName, WebEventArgumentCubeReportId, WebEventArgumentDocumentID, WebEventArgumentDocumentViewMode, WebEventArgumentDrillDisplayMode, WebEventArgumentDrillElementList, WebEventArgumentDrillFilterOnPageBy, WebEventArgumentDrillGraphPixelX, WebEventArgumentDrillGraphPixelY, WebEventArgumentDrillPathKey, WebEventArgumentDrillRetainParent, WebEventArgumentDrillRetainThreshold, WebEventArgumentErrorCode, WebEventArgumentEventToForwardTo, WebEventArgumentExportDefaultRunMode, WebEventArgumentExportExpandPageByFields, WebEventArgumentexportFilterDetails, WebEventArgumentExportFormatNameGraphs, WebEventArgumentExportFormatNameGrids, WebEventArgumentExportFromOptions, WebEventArgumentExportHeadersAsText, WebEventArgumentExportMetricValuesAsText, WebEventArgumentExportOfficeRefresh, WebEventArgumentExportOverlapGridTitles, WebEventArgumentExportSection, WebEventArgumentExportTextDelimiter, WebEventArgumentExportUseLiveChartGraphs, WebEventArgumentExportUseSeparateSheets, WebEventArgumentFacebookToken, WebEventArgumentFastExportLink, WebEventArgumentFolderId, WebEventArgumentFolderName, WebEventArgumentFolderType, WebEventArgumentFromPageHistory, WebEventArgumentGraphHeight, WebEventArgumentGraphRequestId, WebEventArgumentGraphShrinkHeight, WebEventArgumentGraphShrinkWidth, WebEventArgumentGraphWidth, WebEventArgumentIgnoreGraphHeightWidth, WebEventArgumentIsAdminHelp, WebEventArgumentIsContinueForm, WebEventArgumentIsCubeEdit, WebEventArgumentIsCubeRepublish, WebEventArgumentIsFFSQL, WebEventArgumentIsFromPrompt, WebEventArgumentIsNew, WebEventArgumentIsNewAnalysis, WebEventArgumentLoginMode, WebEventArgumentMenuID, WebEventArgumentMenuOptionID, WebEventArgumentMessage, WebEventArgumentMessageID, WebEventArgumentNodeKey, WebEventArgumentNotAskExportOptions, WebEventArgumentObjectID, WebEventArgumentObjectType, WebEventArgumentParentFolderId, WebEventArgumentPDFAdminFooterFile, WebEventArgumentPDFAdminHeaderFile, WebEventArgumentPDFCoverPageFilterDetails, WebEventArgumentPDFExpandPageByFields, WebEventArgumentPDFExportFilename, WebEventArgumentPDFExportSection, WebEventArgumentPDFFitToPagesTall, WebEventArgumentPDFFitToPagesWide, WebEventArgumentPDFFooterCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPDFFooterLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPDFFooterRightSection, WebEventArgumentPDFHeaderCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPDFHeaderLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPDFHeaderRightSection, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeBottom, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeLeft, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeRight, WebEventArgumentPDFMarginSizeTop, WebEventArgumentPDFMaxCells, WebEventArgumentPDFMaxFooterSize, WebEventArgumentPDFMaxHeaderSize, WebEventArgumentPDFOutlineModeState, WebEventArgumentPDFPaperOrientationOption, WebEventArgumentPDFPaperSize, WebEventArgumentPDFScalingOption, WebEventArgumentPDFShowOptions, WebEventArgumentPDFShrinkFontPercentage, WebEventArgumentPortNumber, WebEventArgumentPreferenceGroup, WebEventArgumentPreferenceGroupSet, WebEventArgumentPreferenceTransform, WebEventArgumentPrintAdminFooterFile, WebEventArgumentPrintAdminHeaderFile, WebEventArgumentPrintCoverPageFilterDetails, WebEventArgumentPrintDefaultColsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintDefaultRowsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintDisplayPopupPrintDialog, WebEventArgumentPrintExpandPagebyFields, WebEventArgumentPrintFitColsToPage, WebEventArgumentPrintFitRowsToPage, WebEventArgumentPrintFooterCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPrintFooterLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPrintFooterRightSection, WebEventArgumentPrintGridColsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintGridGraphSamePage, WebEventArgumentPrintGridRowsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintHeaderCenterSection, WebEventArgumentPrintHeaderLeftSection, WebEventArgumentPrintHeaderRightSection, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeBottom, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeLeft, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeRight, WebEventArgumentPrintMarginSizeTop, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxCellsPerBlock, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxColsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxFooterSize, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxGraphsPerBlock, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxHeaderSize, WebEventArgumentPrintMaxRowsPerPage, WebEventArgumentPrintOpenNewWindow, WebEventArgumentPrintPaperOrientationOption, WebEventArgumentPrintPaperSize, WebEventArgumentPrintScalingOption, WebEventArgumentPrintShowOptionsOnPrint, WebEventArgumentPrintShrinkFontPercentage, WebEventArgumentProjectName, WebEventArgumentPromptExpressionType, WebEventArgumentPromptStyle, WebEventArgumentQueryBuild, WebEventArgumentRelativePageNumber, WebEventArgumentReportDesignMode, WebEventArgumentReportFilterID, WebEventArgumentReportParentFolderID, WebEventArgumentReportStateID, WebEventArgumentReportTemplateID, WebEventArgumentReportViewMode, WebEventArgumentRWCreationFlags, WebEventArgumentRWCreationTemplateID, WebEventArgumentRWExecutionMode, WebEventArgumentRWExportMode, WebEventArgumentRWPageByElements, WebEventArgumentRWViewMode, WebEventArgumentSaveAsOrigin, WebEventArgumentSaveAsOriginPath, WebEventArgumentSaveAsShowContinueButton, WebEventArgumentScheduleEditMode, WebEventArgumentSearchDomain, WebEventArgumentSearchString, WebEventArgumentServerAlias, WebEventArgumentServerName, WebEventArgumentSessionKey, WebEventArgumentShow, WebEventArgumentShowDefault, WebEventArgumentShowOptionsPage, WebEventArgumentShowServerProperties, WebEventArgumentSliceId, WebEventArgumentSourceId, WebEventArgumentSourceType, WebEventArgumentSubPage, WebEventArgumentSubscriptionDeliveryMode, WebEventArgumentSubscriptionID, WebEventArgumentTarget, WebEventArgumentTreeType, WebEventArgumentTriggerID, WebEventArgumentTwoStepVerificationCode, WebEventArgumentUpdateParentWindow, WebEventArgumentUserId, WebEventArgumentUserName, WebEventArgumentUserPassword, WebEventCallChangePassword, WebEventCloseDashboardPage, WebEventCreateBlankVI, WebEventCreateHTML5VI, WebEventCreateOptimizedVI, WebEventCreatePrompt, WebEventCreateSecurityRole, WebEventCreateUser, WebEventCreateUserGroup, WebEventDashboardPublishWizard, WebEventDeleteHistoryList, WebEventDeleteObject, WebEventDisplayError, WebEventDrillToFixedTemplateFromDocToReport, WebEventEditCacheSubscription, WebEventEditInboxSubscription, WebEventEditMobileSubscription, WebEventEditPersonalViewSubscription, WebEventEditPrompt, WebEventEditReport, WebEventEditRW, WebEventEditSecurityRole, WebEventEditSubscription, WebEventEditUser, WebEventEditUserGroup, WebEventExecuteHTML5VI, WebEventExecuteMojoIVE, WebEventExecuteRWDocumentHeavy, WebEventExportSaveReportProperties, WebEventFastDocumentExport, WebEventFastExport, WebEventFastPDFExport, WebEventForwardToRWExport, WebEventGeneric, WebEventGetDocumentDetails, WebEventGetReportDetails, WebEventGetRWDocumentDetails, WebEventGraphDrillFromDocToReport, WebEventGridDrillFromDocToReport, WebEventHTMLMenu, WebEventInitializeHTML5VIFromSubscription, WebEventIPadAnnotation, WebEventLoadGraph, WebEventLogout, WebEventNCAddFileSubscription, WebEventNCAddFTPSubscription, WebEventNCAddPrintSubscription, WebEventNCAddresses, WebEventNCAddSubscription, WebEventNCEditFileSubscription, WebEventNCEditFTPSubscription, WebEventNCEditPrintSubscription, WebEventNCEditSubscription, WebEventNCFileAddresses, WebEventNCFTPAddresses, WebEventNCOpenDeleteAddress, WebEventNCPrintAddresses, WebEventNCSendNow, WebEventNCSendNowConfirm, WebEventNCSubsConfirm, WebEventOpenAbout, WebEventOpenAdminFAQs, WebEventOpenAdminHelp, WebEventOpenAdminHelpIndex, WebEventOpenCreate, WebEventOpenCreateDocument, WebEventOpenCreatePromptPage, WebEventOpenDefaultDesktop, WebEventOpenDefaultHomePage, WebEventOpenDesktop, WebEventOpenDiagnostics, WebEventOpenExport, WebEventOpenExportDocument, WebEventOpenExportOptions, WebEventOpenExportOptionsFromReport, WebEventOpenFAQs, WebEventOpenFilterEditor, WebEventOpenHelp, WebEventOpenHelpIndex, WebEventOpenHelpSetup, WebEventOpenHistoryList, WebEventOpenHistoryPage, WebEventOpenHome, WebEventOpenImportWizard, WebEventOpenImportWizardEntryPage, WebEventOpenIPAConfiguration, WebEventOpenIPAMonitor, WebEventOpenMyPage, WebEventOpenMyReports, WebEventOpenMySubscriptions, WebEventOpenObjectSubscriptions, WebEventOpenOfficeSetup, WebEventOpenOptimizedVI, WebEventOpenPage, WebEventOpenPDFOptions, WebEventOpenPDFOptionsFromReport, WebEventOpenPDFSaveReportProperties, WebEventOpenPreferences, WebEventOpenPrint, WebEventOpenPrintDocument, WebEventOpenPrintOptions, WebEventOpenPrintOptionsFromReport, WebEventOpenPrintSaveReportProperties, WebEventOpenQBuilder, WebEventOpenRRAccountSetting, WebEventOpenRRQuoteAcceptanceForm, WebEventopenRRUserImport, WebEventOpenRRUserManagement, WebEventOpenSaveReportProperties, WebEventOpenSchedule, WebEventOpenSearch, WebEventOpenSecurityRolesFolder, WebEventOpenSecuritySetup, WebEventOpenSharedReports, WebEventOpenSubscriptionEngineSetup, WebEventOpenSummary, WebEventOpenTopLevelUserGroups, WebEventOpenWizard, WebEventPDFDisplay, WebEventPrefColorPalette, WebEventPrefDynamicAddresseList, WebEventProcessLogin, WebEventQuickLogout, WebEventReportFlashExport, WebEventReportWritingDocumentPDFExport, WebEventReportWritingDocumentPDFFastExport, WebEventReturnTo, WebEventRunSearch, WebEventRWDHTMLExport, WebEventRWExport, WebEventRWSaveAs, WebEventSaveAs, WebEventSelectFilter, WebEventSelectTemplate, WebEventTakeMeHome, WebOpenAnalysis, WebOpenPrefChangePwdPage
Field Detail
static final int WebEventSwitchEditorTab
Identifier for the event that allows users to switch the tab currently displayed with the grid formatting information.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventChangeFormattingTarget
Identifier for the event that allows users to change the target object to be formatted.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventProcessFontTabProperties
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Font properties tab of the editor.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventProcessCellTabProperties
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Align properties tab of the editor.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventProcessBorderTabProperties
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Border properties tab of the editor.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventChangeNumberCategory
Identifier for the event that allows users to change the number category to be applied on the selected target object. On the default event handler, changing the number category does not actually apply the change on the target object, but just allows to show specific settings for this formatting. The changes will get applied once the user selects the Apply or OK buttons.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventProcessNumberTabProperties
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the indicated changes on the Number properties tab of the editor.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentTab
Identifier for the argument that indicates the tab the user requested to be shown. Usage:
Possible values for this argument include those listed on theEnumGridFormatEditorTabs
enumeration, such asEnumGridFormatEditorTabs.GridFormatFontTab
, etc.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentApplyAndCloseGridEditor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the user has requested to apply the changes and close the editor.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentCloseGridEditor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the user has requested to close the editor without applying the changes.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentFontStrikeOut
Identifier for the argument that indicates the font style to apply includes strikeout or not. Usage:
The possible values for this argument come from theEnumGridFormatGenericValues
enumeration, including:
- indicating no change will be peformed for this property,EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseNo
- indicating the user requests not to use this style, andEnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseYes
- indicating the user requests to use this style.
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentFontScript
Identifier for the argument that indicates the font script to apply includes strikeout or not. Usage:
This argument is not currently being applied on the grid.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentHorizontalAlign
Identifier for the argument that indicates the horizontal align to apply to the target object. Usage:
The possible values for this argument come from theEnumGridHorizontalAlignmentType
enumeration, includingEnumGridHorizontalAlignmentType.GridHorizontalAlignmentDefault
, etc. Sending theEnumGridHorizontalAlignmentType.GridHorizontalAlignmentDefault
value will indicate that no change should be performed on this property, on the default event handler.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentVerticalAlign
Identifier for the argument that indicates the vertical align to apply to the target object. Usage:
The possible values for this argument come from theEnumGridVerticalAlignmentType
enumeration, includingEnumGridVerticalAlignmentType.GridVerticalAlignmentDefault
, etc. Sending theEnumGridVerticalAlignmentType.GridVerticalAlignmentDefault
value will indicate that no change should be performed on this property, on the default event handler.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentTextWrap
Identifier for the argument that indicates if text wrap should be applied on the cells or not. Usage:
The possible values for this argument come from theEnumGridFormatGenericValues
enumeration, including:
- indicating no change will be peformed for this property,EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseNo
- indicating the user requests not to use text wrap, andEnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseYes
- indicating the user requests to use text wrap.
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentHorizontalInsideStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the horizontal inside border style to apply. Usage:
This argument is not currently being applied on the grid.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentHorizontalInsideColor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the horizontal inside border color to apply. Usage:
This argument is not currently being applied on the grid.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentVerticalInsideStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the vertical inside border style to apply. Usage:
This argument is not currently being applied on the grid.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentVerticalInsideColor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the vertical inside border color to apply. Usage:
This argument is not currently being applied on the grid.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentTopStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the top border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be shown is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/BorderStyles.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any of the values specified for thekey
attribute.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentTopColor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the top border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be used is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/config/fillColorPicker.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any valid color code (with the#RRGGBB
format still, for its proper display on the options combo box, it is required that the value comes from of the XML file, specified by thekey
attributes.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentLeftStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the left border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be shown is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/BorderStyles.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any of the values specified for thekey
attribute.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentLeftColor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the left border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be used is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/config/fillColorPicker.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any valid color code (with the#RRGGBB
format still, for its proper display on the options combo box, it is required that the value comes from of the XML file, specified by thekey
attributes.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentRightStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the right border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be shown is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/BorderStyles.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any of the values specified for thekey
attribute.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentRightColor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the right border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be used is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/config/fillColorPicker.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any valid color code (with the#RRGGBB
format still, for its proper display on the options combo box, it is required that the value comes from of the XML file, specified by thekey
attributes.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBottomStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for the bottom border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be shown is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/BorderStyles.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any of the values specified for thekey
attribute.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBottomColor
Identifier for the argument that indicates the color to use for the bottom border of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_CUSTOM
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be used is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/config/fillColorPicker.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any valid color code (with the#RRGGBB
format still, for its proper display on the options combo box, it is required that the value comes from of the XML file, specified by thekey
attributes.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentBorderLevel
Identifier for the argument that indicates the level of border customization the user has selected to apply. Usage:
The user can specify formatting at different levels:
- means no border will be displayed if the formatting is applied.
- means the user can select one style and one color to apply to all the sides of the cells.
- means the user can select different colors and styles for each one of the sides of the cells.
- means no change will be done on the current formatting.
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentAllStyle
Identifier for the argument that indicates the format style to use for all the borders of the target object. Usage:
This argument is used ifGridFormatEditorBean.BORDER_LEVEL_ALL
formatting is specified as the value ofWebEventArgumentBorderLevel
. The list of possible values that can be shown is included and read from theWEB-INF/xml/BorderStyles.xml
configuration file. The value to assign to this argument can be any of the values specified for thekey
attribute.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentAllColor
- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentNumberCategoryPrefix
Identifier for the argument that indicates the prefix to use for identifying the number category selected. This argument is used for prefixing the different possible values of the number category format that can be selected by the user for the current target.
To this prefix, the value of the number category to use will be appended. These values are defined on theEnumGridFormatNumberCategory
enumeration, such asEnumGridFormatNumberCategory.GridFormatNumberCategoryGeneral
, etc.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentNumberDecimalPlaces
Identifier for the argument that indicates the number of decimal places to apply as part of the number formatting selected.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentNumberNegativeNumbers
Identifier for the argument that indicates the type of negative number formatting to apply as part of the number category selected. Usage:
The negative number formatting options depends on the number category selected, and applies only forEnumGridFormatNumberCategory.GridFormatNumberCategoryFixed
. The possible values that apply for this argument are defined on theEnumGridNegativeNumbersFormat
enumeration and includeEnumGridNegativeNumbersFormat.GridNegativeNumbersFormatRed
, etc- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentNumberCurrencySymbolPosition
Identifier for the argument that indicates the position where the currency symbol will be placed. Usage:
This argument applies only when the category selected isEnumGridFormatNumberCategory.GridFormatNumberCategoryCurrency
. The possible values that apply for this argument are defined on theEnumGridNumberCurrencyPosition
enumeration and includeEnumGridNumberCurrencyPosition.GRID_NUMBER_CURRENCY_POSITION_LEFT
, etc- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentNumberCustom
Identifier for the argument that represents the custom formatting string the user has selected for the target object. Usage:
This argument will hold a string with a custom formatting specification to be applied to the target object.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values
static final int WebEventArgumentOriginalNumberCategory
Identifier for the argument that indicates the number category to use on the selected target object. The difference between this argument andWebEventArgumentNumberCategoryPrefix
is that this argument represents the category selected by the user and the one to be applied if the user decides to do so; the prefix argument is only for allowing the user to switch from one category to the other, without actually changing the target object formatting at that time.
The possible category values that can be assigned to this argument are defined on theEnumGridFormatNumberCategory
enumeration, such asEnumGridFormatNumberCategory.GridFormatNumberCategoryGeneral
, etc.- See Also:
- Constant Field Values