Supported Bean: GridFormatToolbarBean
Event handler: (33)
applyChanges | ||||
Identifier for the event that allows users to submit the format changes indicated on the toolbar. |
33001 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventProcessToolbarFormattingRequest |
*taxisPos | Identifier for the argument that includes the location of the target object to format.
Usage: The possible values for this argument include strings that specify the axis and position location of the object to be formatted, separated by comma: axis,position .Valid values for the axis section of the value include those defined on the EnumDSSXMLAxisName
enumeration, such as EnumDSSXMLAxisName.DssXmlAxisNameRows , so an argument value defined as
1,2 represents the second element on the rows axis.If the second element of the string (representing position) is zero, then the axis value indicates which full axis will be formatted, for example, 1,0 represents the row axis.If the second element of the string is a -1 the code represents a metric, and its position
on the array of metrics is indicated on the first element of the value, for example 1,-1 represents
the second metric on the grid.If the second element of the string has as value GridWebFormatHelper.LOCAL_TARGET_ALL_METRICS or
GridWebFormatHelper.LOCAL_TARGET_ALL_REPORT then this indicates the formatting object that will be
modified. |
29002 | ||
oldStyle | Identifier for the argument that includes the name of the Old Style formatting used on the report.
Usage: This argument is required if the report that is being formatted belongs to an older version. It is needed because otherwise the original formatting used for viewing the grid will be lost when a new format is applied to the report. |
29043 | ||
taCenter | Identifier for the argument that indicates the target object shall be aligned center.
Usage: For the default event handler, any value assigned to this argument is valid. If this argument is included on the request, then the target object will be formatted, aligning it to the center. |
33002 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventArgumentToolbarAlignCenter |
taLeft | Identifier for the argument that indicates the target object shall be aligned left.
Usage: For the default event handler, any value assigned to this argument is valid. If this argument is included on the request, then the target object will be formatted, aligning it to the left. |
33001 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventArgumentToolbarAlignLeft |
tapply | Identifier for the argument that indicates the user has requested to apply the changes and leave the editor opened. |
29039 | ||
taRight | Identifier for the argument that indicates the target object shall be aligned right.
Usage: For the default event handler, any value assigned to this argument is valid. If this argument is included on the request, then the target object will be formatted, aligning it to the right. |
33003 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventArgumentToolbarAlignRight |
tcurrSymb | Identifier for the argument that specifies the symbol to be used for currency on the target object. |
29035 | ||
tdecSpaces | Identifier for the argument that indicates the target object shall be formatted by decreasing the decimal spaces on its values.
Usage: For the default event handler, any value assigned to this argument is valid. If this argument is included on the request, then the target object will be formatted as defined. |
33006 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventArgumentDecreaseDecimalSpaces |
tfBgColor | Identifier for the argument that indicates the background color to apply to the target object.
Usage: The background color specified here will be used as part of the CSS definition of the final style to apply to the target object. |
29012 | ||
tfBold | Identifier for the argument that indicates if font style bold is to be applied to the target object.
Usage: The possible values of this argument include: EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseYes - indicates bold will be part of the style to use.EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseNo - indicates bold will not be applied to the target object.EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesDefault - indicates no change will be done to the value currently
defined for the property of the target object. |
29006 | ||
tfColor | Identifier for the argument that indicates the font color to apply to the target object.
Usage: The font color specified here will be used as part of the CSS definition of the final style to apply to the target object. |
29010 | ||
tfItalic | Identifier for the argument that indicates if font style italic is to be applied to the target object.
Usage: The possible values of this argument include: EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseYes - indicates italic will be part of the style to use.EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseNo - indicates italic will not be applied to the target object.EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesDefault - indicates no change will be done to the value currently
defined for the property of the target object. |
29007 | ||
tfName | Identifier for the argument that indicates the font name to apply to the target object.
Usage: The font name specified here will be used as part of the CSS definition of the final style to apply to the target object. |
29004 | ||
tfSize | Identifier for the argument that indicates the font size to apply to the target object.
Usage: The font size specified here will be used as part of the CSS definition of the final style to apply to the target object. |
29005 | ||
tfUnderline | Identifier for the argument that indicates the font underline style to apply to the target object.
The possible values of this argument include: EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseYes - indicates underline will be part of the style to use.EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesUseNo - indicates underline will not be applied to the target object.EnumGridFormatGenericValues.GridFormatGenericValuesDefault - indicates no change will be done to the value currently
defined for the property of the target object. |
29009 | ||
tincSpaces | Identifier for the argument that indicates the target object shall be formatted by increasing the decimal spaces on its values.
Usage: For the default event handler, any value assigned to this argument is valid. If this argument is included on the request, then the target object will be formatted as defined. |
33005 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventArgumentIncreaseDecimalSpaces |
tlevel | Identifier of the argument that indicates at which level the target object will be modified.
Usage: Possible values for this argument include those defined on the EnumWebFormatType enumeration, such as
EnumWebFormatType.WebFormatTypeHeader , EnumWebFormatType.WebFormatTypeGrid , etc. EnumWebFormatType.WebFormatTypeSubtotalGrid and EnumWebFormatType.WebFormatTypeSubtotalHeader
do not apply when modifying metrics. |
29003 | ||
tpercent | Identifier for the argument that indicates the target object shall be formatted as numeric percentage.
Usage: For the default event handler, any value assigned to this argument is valid. If this argument is included on the request, then the target object will be formatted as defined. |
33004 |
EnumGridFormatToolbarEvents.WebEventArgumentNumberPercentageSymbol |
tthSep | Identifier for the argument that specifies if Thousand Separator will be used on the target object.
Usage: Possible values for this argument include 1 for indicating the thousand separator will be applied. |
29038 | ||
tunit | Identifier for the argument that indicates the type of unit selected as target object.
Usage: Possible values for this argument include those defined on the EnumGridFormatUnit enumeration,
such as EnumGridFormatUnit.GridFormatColumns , EnumGridFormatUnit.GridFormatAllMetrics , etc. |
29031 | ||
setTopLeft | ||||
Event for setting the top left position of the component |
73001 | |||
*left | Event argument to define the left (x) position of the component |
73002 | ||
*top | Event argument to define the top (y) position of the component |
73001 |
* denotes required field.