MicroStrategy ONE
Emailing a report
You can send a report to any email address.
- You must have the Use Send Now privilege.
- You must have the Web Subscribe to History List privilege to send a report or document to the History List.
- You must have the Use Link to History List in Email privilege to send a link to the location of a report or document in the History List via email.
To email a report
In MicroStrategy Web, click the name of a report to execute it.
From the Home menu, select Send Now.
Click To to locate the email address of the recipient.
Choose an address from the Available list. If you do not see the correct email address to use, type the Address name and Physical address in the respective fields and click Add to Recipients to add a new address.
Click OK.
From the Send drop-down list, specify where the report is delivered by choosing one of the following options. The options vary depending on the privileges you are assigned, as described in Prerequisites above.
- Data in email: The report or document is displayed in the email.
- Data in email and to History List: The report or document is displayed in the email and is also delivered to the History List.
- Data and link to History List in email: The report or document is displayed in the email, along with a link to the History List location of the report or document.
- Link to History List in email: A link to the History List location of the report or document is provided in the email.
From the Delivery Format drop-down list, select the format in which to send the report. The options are HTML, Excel, and PDF. When Excel or PDF is chosen, the report is included as an attachment in the email; you can reduce the size of the attachment by selecting the Compress contents check box.
If the delivery option is Plain Text, you can specify the delimiter character to use to separate values in a report, such as a comma or tab. From the Delimiter drop-down list, select one of the following:
- To choose a delimiter from the list, select the delimiter you want to use, such as Comma or Space.
- To specify your own delimiter, select Other, then type the character you want to use as the delimiter in the field.
Select the Expand page-by fields check box to print all objects in the Page-by drop-down list when the report or document is emailed.
In the Subject line, type a description for the emailed report.
If you want a message to be displayed in the body of the email, type the text in the Message field.
To include the report or document in a zip file:
- Expand Advanced Options by clicking the plus sign.
- Select the Password Protect Zip File check box if you want to protect the zip file by providing a password. Type a password for the zip file.
- Type the name for the zip file in the Zip File Name field.
- If you have selected a contact group as the recipient of the report or document, by default MicroStrategy uses the security filter of the contact group as a whole when delivering the report or document. To use the separate security filters for each member of the subscribed contact group instead, select the Use contact security for each group member check box.
- Click OK.