Class AbstractReportDataTransform

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    AppTransform, ReportDataTransform, LayoutTransform, Transform
    Direct Known Subclasses:
    AbstractReportDataVisualizationTransform, AbstractReportGridTransform, MojoTemplateTransformImpl, ReportGraphTransformImpl, ReportGridGraphTransformImpl

    public abstract class AbstractReportDataTransform
    extends AbstractReportTransform
    implements ReportDataTransform, LayoutTransform
    This is the base class for those Report Transforms that generate some sort of representation of the report's data, either as grid, as a graph or as a grid-graph. It provides a place holder for common methods and formal parameters. In particular, the report's incremental fetch functionality links are generated in this class by the following methods:
    • renderRowsIncrementalFetch
    • renderColumnIncrementalFetchNext
    • renderColumnIncrementalFetchPrevious

    This class implements ReportDataTransform, in previous versions of the product this was used to indicate how the general layout of the Transform would be generated. This usage has been deprecated, though. Now this class implements LayoutTransform which enables building the layout through an external xml configuration file. Old methods of the ReportDataTransform like:

    • renderTop
    • renderBottom
    • renderLeft
    • renderRight
    • renderCenter
    have been deprecated and are called only if a layout-xml is not specified.
    Incremental fetch methods can be called through the layout-xml.

    MicroStrategy Web 7.3.1 or earlier
    • Field Detail


        public static final java.lang.String BLANK_SUBSET_REPORT_ID
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
      • hasIncreFetchForColumnOnLeft

        protected boolean hasIncreFetchForColumnOnLeft
        This variable it's not used anymore.
        It is used in the transform to specify whether there are incremental fetch links for column on left side of the report data.
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
      • hasIncreFetchForColumnOnRight

        protected boolean hasIncreFetchForColumnOnRight
        This variable it's not used anymore.
        It is used in the transform to specify whether there are incremental fetch links for column on right side of the report data.
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
      • transformContext

        protected java.util.HashMap transformContext
        This instance variable should have been private. You may use getTransformContext() to access it.
        The tranform context object represented as a hashtable.
        All the items' keys are listed as constants in ReportTransformHelper.
      • _cssTop

        protected java.lang.String _cssTop
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the top area.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • _cssBottom

        protected java.lang.String _cssBottom
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the bottom area.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • _cssLeft

        protected java.lang.String _cssLeft
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the left area.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • _cssRight

        protected java.lang.String _cssRight
        This is the css name for the right area.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • _cssCenter

        protected java.lang.String _cssCenter
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the center area.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • _blankImage

        protected java.lang.String _blankImage
        This is not used anymore. You can use _imgBlank as the source for a transparent image.
        This is the image name for blank space.
      • _ifLeftArrowImage

        protected java.lang.String _ifLeftArrowImage
        This instance variable should have been private.
        This is the image name for the left arrow image in incremental fetch.
      • _ifRightArrowImage

        protected java.lang.String _ifRightArrowImage
        This instance variable should have been private.
        This is the image name for the right arrow image in incremental fetch.
      • uniqueReportId

        protected FormalParameter uniqueReportId
        This is the name of the HTML DIV for the report. It's used as the unique identifier of the grid's bone.
        Allowed Values: String values.
      • showIncreFetchForRowOnTop

        protected FormalParameter showIncreFetchForRowOnTop
        To show/hide the incremental fetch section you should modify the corresponding xml-layout definition of the transform.
        It is used in the transform to specify whether to show increfetch links for rows on top of the grid.
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
      • showIncreFetchForRowOnBottom

        protected FormalParameter showIncreFetchForRowOnBottom
        To show/hide the incremental fetch section you should modify the corresponding xml-layout definition of the transform.
        It is used in the transform to specify whether to show increfetch links for rows at the bottom of the grid.
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
      • showIncreFetchForColumn

        protected FormalParameter showIncreFetchForColumn
        To show/hide the incremental fetch section you should modify the corresponding xml-layout definition of the transform.
        It is used in the transform to specify whether to show increfetch links on column.
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
      • advancedDrillingContextMenuDisplay

        protected FormalParameter advancedDrillingContextMenuDisplay
        It is used in the transform to specify whether to show the advanced drilling options in the editor or context menu.
        Allowed Values: PreferencesDrillTransform.ADVANCED_DRILLING_RMC_DISPLAY_DEFAULT = "1"
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • incrementalFetchStyleForRow

        protected FormalParameter incrementalFetchStyleForRow
        This is the name of the style used to show the incremental fetch for row.
        Allowed Values: any report style name from StyelCatalog.xml file.
      • ifLeftArrowImage

        protected FormalParameter ifLeftArrowImage
        This is the name of the left arrow image to be used in this transform for incremental fetch.
        Allowed Values: The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • ifRightArrowImage

        protected FormalParameter ifRightArrowImage
        This is the name of the right arrow image to be used in this transform for incremental fetch.
        Allowed Values: The value to indicate should be a valid image file name, with any necessary path information not included already on the resourcesFolderImage application configuration parameter.
      • cssLeft

        protected FormalParameter cssLeft
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the left area of the transform.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • cssRight

        protected FormalParameter cssRight
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the right area of the transform.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • cssTop

        protected FormalParameter cssTop
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the top area of the transform.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • cssBottom

        protected FormalParameter cssBottom
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the bottom area of the transform.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • cssCenter

        protected FormalParameter cssCenter
        css formatting is now applied through the layout-xml.
        This is the css name for the center area of the transform.
        Allowed Values: String value representing a css class name. It should be defined in a css file included in the page.
      • showDrillPathSetNamesSubMenuAtTopLevel

        protected FormalParameter showDrillPathSetNamesSubMenuAtTopLevel
        It is used in the transform to specify whether to show the set names submenu for drilling at the top level (or at a lower depth).
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • drillWithinBehavior

        protected FormalParameter drillWithinBehavior
        It is used in the transform to specify the drill within behavior. As of now this formal parameter is used only for grids in report writting documents.
        Drill Within paths will typically be displayed twice on the drill context menu, once at the first submenu level, and once in the Drill Anywhere submenu(s). We can take advantage of this fact to allow the user to decide whether clicking on a path that can be resolved within the base report will in fact be resolved within the current document, or if it will generate a new report instance instead. Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
        Allowed Values:
        EnumWebPreferences.DRILL_WITHIN_AUTOMATIC = "1" : If the path can be resolved with the base report, it will be performed as a manipulation on the current document instance; otherwise it will generate a new report instance. This option would be the default and would automatically choose what we think is the most optimized behavior.
        EnumWebPreferences.DRILL_WITHIN_MENU_LOCATION = "2" : If the path is a within path and it is clicked on in the first submenu level, then it will be performed as a manipulation on the current document instance; otherwise it will generate a new report instance (within paths that are located in the drill anywhere submenu(s) will generate a new report instance). EnumWebPreferences.DRILL_WITHIN_ALWAYS_NEW_REPORT = "3" : All paths will generate a new report instance, including Within paths. This option could be selected to enforce consistent behavior on all drill paths, since non-within paths will always generate a new report instance, regardless of the user preference.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • rwbViewerID

        protected FormalParameter rwbViewerID
        This Formal Parameter is used to indicate the bone ID for the RWB viewer. Allowed Values: any String.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • drillRetainThresholds

        protected FormalParameter drillRetainThresholds
        This is the FP which tells whether to retain the thresholds while drilling. If a value is specified here, then the drill Preference on the preference page for the same is ignored. This value can be 1(to retain), 0(to not retain) or 2(to use the drill path for the value). If blank the drill preference is used. Allowed Values:
        PreferencesDrillTransform.DRILL_OPTION_RETAIN_THRESHOLD_YES = "1";
        PreferencesDrillTransform.DRILL_OPTION_RETAIN_THRESHOLD_NO = "2";
        MicroStrategy Web 7.5.4
      • quickSwitch

        protected FormalParameter quickSwitch
        This formal parameter indicates if the grid is going to have the Quick Switch functionality (client side view mode change enabler) enabled. This will only apply to grids and graphs rendered inside Report Writing Documents. Allowed values:
        True and False
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • quickSwitchCurrent

        protected FormalParameter quickSwitchCurrent
        This formal parameter indicates if the grid is going to have the Quick Switch functionality and if it's the current view mode displayed. This will only apply to grids and graphs rendered inside Report Writing Documents. Allowed values:
        True and False
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • gridGraphUnitKeyContext

        protected FormalParameter gridGraphUnitKeyContext
        This formal parameter indicates the unique Id of the RWGridGraphControl. This will only apply to grids and graphs rendered inside Report Writing Documents. Allowed values:
        Any String
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • sortSetNamesAndDrillPaths

        protected FormalParameter sortSetNamesAndDrillPaths
        It is used in the transform to specify whether to show the set names and drill paths names alphabetically sorted.
        Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • groupContextMenuDrillPathsByType

        protected FormalParameter groupContextMenuDrillPathsByType
        Determines whether drill types (up, down, across and to template) will be displayed as read from the backend in which case the drill types may be intermingled or that we will buck the types together and show the types grouped together. The order will be up, down, across and to template. Default is false. Allowed Values: TRUE/FALSE.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • id

        protected FormalParameter id
        It is used to identify the outer shell for all report modes - grid, graph and gridgraph. (Firefox issue: 246019)
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • customJavaScriptFeatures

        protected FormalParameter customJavaScriptFeatures
        name for the formal parameter "customJavaScriptFeatures".
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
    • Constructor Detail

      • AbstractReportDataTransform

        public AbstractReportDataTransform()
        Class constructor.
    • Method Detail

      • initializeWebComponent

        public void initializeWebComponent​(Transformable data)
        This method initialize WebComponent being transformed. This method enables the transform to support both ReportBean and ViewBean.
        Internally, when a ReportBean is passed, this Transform will get its ViewBean and call super using the ViewBean. Starting with 8.0, ReportDataTransforms manipulates instances of ViewBean's.
        Specified by:
        initializeWebComponent in interface AppTransform
        initializeWebComponent in class AbstractReportTransform
        data - object being Transformed
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • initializeTranformContext

        public void initializeTranformContext()
        Initialize the transform context object. This object is later passed to the ReportGridDisplayCell instances so they have information about the transform.
      • getTransformContext

        public java.util.HashMap getTransformContext()
        Get the context object associated with the transform.
        Specified by:
        getTransformContext in interface ReportDataTransform
        the transform context object
      • isRWBean

        public boolean isRWBean()
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • showSubtitle

        protected boolean showSubtitle​(int subTitleCount)
        Returns whether subtitles are enabled for this grid. It will check the value of the showSubtitle formal parameter. This could be:
        • EnumWebPreferences.PREFERENCE_NO: subtitles are off.
        • EnumWebPreferences.PREFERENCE_YES: subtitles are on.
        • EnumWebPreferences.PREFERENCE_VALUE_FROM_REPORT: the "LongNames" report setting controls whether subtitles are on or off.
          ValueBehavior for Attributes with a single displayed form (subTitleCount = 1)Behavior for Attributes with multiple displayed forms (subTitleCount > 1)
          -1Show Attribute name onlyShow Attribute name + form name on all forms
          0Show Attribute name onlyShow Attribute name on the first form only, show nothing on subsequent forms
          1Show Attribute name + form nameShow Attribute name + form name on all forms
          2Show Attribute form name onlyShow attribute form name only for all forms
          3Show Attribute name + form nameShow Attribute name + form name on first form; Form name only on subsequent forms
          4Show Attribute name onlyShow Attribute name + form name on all forms
        subTitleCount - Count of sub titles.
        true if the subtitles are enabled.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.2.2
      • showSubTitleOnly

        protected boolean showSubTitleOnly​(int subTitleIndex)
        Returns whether show only the subtitle for this grid.
        subTitleIndex - Index of the current subtitle (starting from 0).
      • getViewBean

        protected ViewBean getViewBean()
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • getReportSetting

        protected java.lang.String getReportSetting​(java.lang.String propertySetName,
                                                    java.lang.String propertyName)
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • renderJavascript

        protected void renderJavascript​(MarkupOutput out)
        This method renders the javascript code that needs to be generated on the server side because its content is dynamic. In particular this method invokes renderRegisterBone which initializes and registers a grid's bone..
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • isQuickSwitchEnabled

        protected boolean isQuickSwitchEnabled()
      • getFrameBean

        protected FrameBean getFrameBean​(WebComponent parent)
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • getGridScriptClass

        protected java.lang.String getGridScriptClass()
        return grid JS scriptClass name depending grid mode
        string scriptClass name
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • generatePageHistoryItems

        protected JsonGenerator generatePageHistoryItems​(boolean isBackList)
      • isGridTransform

        protected abstract boolean isGridTransform()
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • isGraphTransform

        protected abstract boolean isGraphTransform()
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • shouldRenderGridInfo

        protected boolean shouldRenderGridInfo()
        This method is used to determine if the bone's gridInfo structure needs to be included. As an optimization in the Document page, when executing a document, only the first bone registered for a given grid includes the gridInfo structure.
        true if the grid bone properties should include the gridInfo.
      • renderContent

        public void renderContent​(MarkupOutput out,
                                  ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Render content of the transform. It's only used when the report bean is in Successful status. We divide the whole content into 5 areas: TOP/LEFT/CENTER/RIGHT/BOTTOM.
         |   TOP                         |
         |      |                       |      |
         | LEFT |                 |RIGHT |
         |      |      CENTER     |      |
         |      |                 |      |
         |      |                 |      |
         |   BOTTOM                     |
        Specified by:
        renderContent in interface ReportDataTransform
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderTop

        public void renderTop​(MarkupOutput out,
                              ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Render top area of the transform.
        Specified by:
        renderTop in interface ReportDataTransform
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderBottom

        public void renderBottom​(MarkupOutput out,
                                 ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Render bottom area of the transform.
        Specified by:
        renderBottom in interface ReportDataTransform
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderLeft

        public void renderLeft​(MarkupOutput out,
                               ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Render left area of the transform.
        Specified by:
        renderLeft in interface ReportDataTransform
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderRight

        public void renderRight​(MarkupOutput out,
                                ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Render right area of the transform.
        Specified by:
        renderRight in interface ReportDataTransform
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • hasLeft

        public boolean hasLeft()
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Whether the transform has the left area. Out of box, if the formal parameter indicates that we need to display incremental fetch links for column and there are data to the left of the current data, it returns true, or else, it returns false.
        Whether the transform has the right area
      • hasRight

        public boolean hasRight()
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Whether the transform has the right area. Out of box, if the formal parameter indicates that we need to display incremental fetch links for column and there are data to the right of the current data, it returns true, or else, it returns false.
        Whether the transform has the right area
      • hasTop

        public boolean hasTop()
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Whether the transform has the top area. Out of box, if the formal parameter indicates that we need to display incremental fetch links for row on the top of the data, it returns true, or else, it returns false.
        Whether the transform has the top area
      • hasBottom

        public boolean hasBottom()
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Whether the transform has the bottom area. Out of box, if the formal parameter indicates that we need to display incremental fetch links for row on the bottom of the data, it returns true, or else, it returns false.
        Whether the transform has the bottom area
      • hasCenter

        public abstract boolean hasCenter()
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use a layout-xml to control the output.
        Whether the transform has the center area. Out of box, it returns true.
        Whether the transform has the center area
      • isCalledFromPrinting

        protected boolean isCalledFromPrinting()
        The logic of this method is no longer required at this level, print transforms such as ReportGridPrintTransform now handle it. This method now returns false by default.
        whether it's displaying for printing.
        whether it's displaying for printing
      • renderIncreFetchOnColumnLeftPart

        public void renderIncreFetchOnColumnLeftPart​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                     ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use/extend the renderColumnsIncrementalFetchPrevious method.
        Generates the arrow for the previous set of columns.
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderIncreFetchOnColumnRightPart

        public void renderIncreFetchOnColumnRightPart​(MarkupOutput out,
                                                      ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use/extend the renderColumnsIncrementalFetchNext method.
        Generates the arrow for the next set of columns.
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderIncreFetchOnRow

        public void renderIncreFetchOnRow​(MarkupOutput out,
                                          ReportBean rb)
        This method has been deprecated and will be removed in future versions of the product. In its place, use/extend the renderRowsIncrementalFetch method.
        Generates the rows incremental fetch portion.
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        rb - ReportBean being transformed (ignored, always uses the bean passed to the initializeTransform method).
      • renderRowsIncrementalFetch

        public void renderRowsIncrementalFetch​(MarkupOutput out)
        Generates the rows incremental fetch portion. It just delegates this to another Transform, as specified by the incrementalFetchStyleForRow formal parameter.
        out - MarkupOutput to generate the HTML.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • supports

        public boolean supports​(java.lang.Class c)
        Extends support by supporting more than one Class. ReportDataTransforms need to support both ViewBean and ReportBean
        Specified by:
        supports in interface Transform
        supports in class AbstractTransform
        c - the Class to decide if the transforms supports it
        true if c is ViewBean or a ReportBean
        MicroStrategy Web 8.0.0
      • isGridEmpty

        public boolean isGridEmpty()
        Returns true if the grid contains no data.
        MicroStrategy Web 8.1.0
      • getMetricAxisName

        protected int getMetricAxisName()
        Returns the name (see EnumDSSXMLAxisName of the axis with the metrics in it. Will return -1 if the template contains no metrics, and -2 if there is an error.
        int that maps to the values in EnumDSSXMLAxisName.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getDisplayMode

        public int getDisplayMode​(WebDrillPath dp)
        Returns the display mode when drilling via the given drill path
        dp - Drill Path
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • getID

        public java.lang.String getID()
        Description copied from class: AbstractAppTransform
        Returns the unique name of the component to be used as the ID for its shell. This id is used for updating the page using the iFrame technology, and as the id for the corresponding bone (if any).
        Specified by:
        getID in interface Transform
        getID in class AbstractAppTransform
        the component's unique id
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • createBlockEditorProperties

        protected void createBlockEditorProperties()
        This method adds all of the grid/graph Report Services properties to the client side properties collection.
        MicroStrategy Web 9.0.0
      • createBlockEditorProperties

        protected void createBlockEditorProperties​(JsonGenerator boneProps)
        This method adds all of the grid/graph Report Services properties to the client side properties collection.